
Monday 27 February 2012

1 week to go, to the BIG 50!!!

Happy Monday everyone,
That's right, just 7 days to go before that BIG birthday of mine.  Not looking forward to that at all!!  I'll no longer be able to say I'm '40 something', it's scary.  At least the postman cheered me up this morning - both of them.  They brought me parcels that were full of crafting goodies - yeah!!
today's delivery

I got my long awaited Tim Holtz Distress Markers - full set, one of his brand new dies, Word Play (can't wait to use that), some new journals to do a couple of projects I have in mind (that's for another blog post) and some gorgeous new Lily of the Valley Stamps - guess what I'll be doing this week....
He also brough me my first birthday card, well I think that's what it is, I'm not opening it until next week. 
I know who it's from because there are only a couple of people who use that nickname for me, my friend Trudie, and Nick and Julie Goddard, good friends of ours from down in Stevenage, Herts. (They also put their name on the back of the envelope!!!) It's a bit of a long story where the "Lady" bit comes from, and it was a very long time ago.  Always brings back memories though.  That's maybe a story for another time.
Well, must be off. Sorry it's a bit short and sweet but I need to find a home for all my new goodies.  Have a great day everyone and I'll be back again soon.


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