
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Добро пожаловать!

Hello again,
As I've spent all day in my craft room, again, I thought I'd share with you what I've been doing.
It's been lovely in here today, the sun has been shining which means it's been lovely and warm with loads of light coming in through the window and patio doors.  For me, it's the best room in the house (and the most messy!!)
This morning was taken up mostly with the weekly Blog challenge over at Less is More (see previous post for details).  Then, after lunch I needed to settle down and finish a card that I'd been asked to make a week or so ago, by one of my hubby's work colleagues.
It's taken me a while but I finally got it all finished this afternoon, sent a photograph off for approval and waited nervously for the answer...........
He likes it!!  Thank goodness.  It's always a bit of a worry when someone asks me to make them a card.  And this one was no different.  I had to make a special 'Welcome Home' card for his wife.  Not such a big challenge I hear you say, but, the text on this one had to be in Russian!!!  Baard was quite specific about what he wanted which was good, and he did the translation for me, so here's the finished result ......

It's quite a large card.  The maps were printed from the internet then given the 'Linda' touch.  The lettering was done using the Cuttlebug, and the cute little plane was cut with the Cricut (New Arrival cartridge), and mounted with an acetate 'spring' so it moves a little.

I decided to do the message as though it was on a flag.  It says "Welcome home, Alena" I think.

The inside was decorated as well, using a sweet little house stamp and some pretty ribbon I bought recently at the GNPE in Harrogate.

I hope Alena likes it as much as I enjoyed making it.

Thanks for popping by.  Twice in one day too!



  1. You have been busy Linda! A super have put so much work into it, it could be a page in a mini book! Love it :) Sarah x

  2. Oh this is gorgeous Linda, love the little plane.


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