
Tuesday 29 May 2012

It's good to be back!

Hi everyone,
What another glorious day it is here in the Isle of Man.  We still have lovely blue skies however there are a few fluffy white clouds about today.  Hope it's still sunny where you are.
It's so nice to be getting back into the routine of things.  Finally, everything is settling down now after the move, and I'm getting back to normal.
After doing Tim's Tag at the weekend it's got me in the mood to start doing some Blog challenges again.  I've really missed doing these -  3 weeks I've been gone. Have you missed me?!  Well, I'm back!

First up is  ........

 It's Week 69 over at Less is More, and it's a 'Recipe' LIM  This is the challenge ......

We have a very simple recipe this week and that is simply to make a card which is
nor a rectangle for that matter.
What we're really trying to say is that we want a shaped card.
Here's my entry and it's definitely not a square.  It is however a little 'more' that I normally do for this challenge, I hope it's ok.    
I must say I tried a few different shapes but I wasn't happy with any of them.  Things just weren't going according to plan this morning.  Then I remembered that I'd seen a card in the Gallery on the Craftwork Cards Website  take a look here  I spotted it some time ago and loved the design, so here's my version.
definitely not a square
I cut the card blank using the largest of my circle Nestabilities.  Take a piece of folded cardstock, not too thick or you won't get a clean cut.  Lay the nestie with one edge just over the fold, so that it won't cut this bit, and put through your die-cutting machine as normal.   You can do this with most of the Nestie shapes and you'll end up with a lovely shaped card blank.  Even better if you have the Grand Nesties and the Grand Calibur machine (I don't unfortunately), because then you can do large shaped cards.  For this one though I like the smaller size, at the tallest point it's just over 41/2  inches - cute or what! It makes a change for me too, as I don't usually do small cards.  It does fit nicely into a 5x5 envelope, so no problem posting it.
I cut a large scalloped circle in deep pink Bazzill cardstock and mat another white cirlce on top, this hopefully gives me enough white space.  I attached this to the front of my card and it hides the straight bit on the fold.  I trimmed a little off the bottom to give a straight edge so that the card would stand up. 
The sentiment is from a well used Penny Black clear set, and I did a little bit of faux stitching around the edge, and some white dots on the scallops.
The flowers were cut from scraps of paper I found in my bit box, using 2 different sizes of the EK Success Retro Flower punch.  I love these punches, it's such a pretty, simple flower shape that you can layer up if you want to, or just use the one as I have done.  And the punches will cut through card too - bonus!!  I cut double the amount of flowers and stuck 2 together to make them a little stronger so that I could curl the edges over.  I added a piece of card candi to the centres then attached them to the card with a dot of silicone glue.  You can see I placed some of them over the edge to change the shape of the card a little.  The little leaves are cut with a Martha Stewart punch.
I enjoyed this challenge once everything came together.  I should do more shaped cards I think, they make a nice change. 
Thank you for popping by.  I hope to be back again before the weeks out.  I have something that I'm itching to start on.  Here's a sneak peek .........

It's something I found when we were looking around the garden centre at the weekend, it just needs altering a little???  I'll keep you posted.

Bye for now



  1. This looks gorgeous Linda. The heap of flowers cascading is simply fabulous and the paper is beautiful!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  2. This is gorgeous and better than the original one you saw( had a quick peep!)x

  3. This is a beautiful card! It inspires me to "think outside of the square" next time I make one!

  4. A beautiful card. I definitely need to invest in a die-cutting machine - and some of those EK Success punches too!

  5. Great design - love the pile of flowers and the co-ordinating border!!

  6. Gorgeous card, those flowers look brill. I know just the one you mean on the website, I like that one too!
    Jo x

  7. Oh em gee, Linda! This is so the winner! I'm stuttering in my head trying to think of words. It is so flippin cute I can't stand it! And the colors make it even more amazing. I hope I can pin this. Oh em gee!

  8. WOW! this is stunning Linda I just love all those flowers and the paper you used for them is great! LOVE IT :)

  9. Beautiful card. I love your flowers with their beautiful colors and patterns. Ann Y.

  10. Love your card. So bright and cheerful. The circle shape and flowers are lots of fun. x

  11. What a fabulous card, love the flowers.
    Kath x
    Thanks for your comments.

  12. This is so pretty Linda, well done , love the flowers :) Viv xx

  13. Gorgeous card, those flowers look stunning
    Thank you very much
    "Less is More"

  14. This is a brilliant card Linda - just love it.

  15. Hi,New to this blogging. Just wanted to say i really love your card.

  16. Absolutely gorgeous card Linda love your composition and the colours are wonderful.....glad you're back in the "blogging lane" again!!!!

  17. what a lovely card I really like how you have used the flowers

  18. Beautiful card! Love the way you have arranged the flowers!


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