
Friday 25 May 2012

Sneak peeks as promised

Good morning and Happy Friday everyone,
And what a gorgeous day it is here in the Isle of Man.  I can definitely get used to this weather.  The birds are singing, the sun is shining and I just have one more sample to make this morning then the rest of the day is mine. I think a good book, a cheeky glass of something chilled, and the afternoon spent in the sun.  Sounds perfect. We're off out for dinner this evening so I don't even have to cook!

More craft stuff arrived yesterday, this is what my lovely postman brought me .......
You know what it's like, stuff you just have to have but you've no idea what you're going to do with it.  I'll think of something I'm sure.  The 12x12 Ledger Pad from Prima I just had to have.  It's gorgeous!!   And I thought I'd give some Washi Tape a try.  You'll see what I come up with no doubt.

As promised yesterday, here are a few sneaky peeks of what I've been up to this week.  I can't show the full pictures as the new stamps haven't been on air yet so here's just a tease.  They are rather lovely though, they're from Stamp Addicts shop online and they'll be on Create and Craft next Thursday.


I suppose I need get on and make that final card. It shouldn't take long, I know exactly what I'm going to do.  Makes a change as I'm usually struggling for ideas at this stage, the last one usually takes the longest time to make. 

Thanks for popping by today.  Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the sunshine. 
It's going to be busy on the island for the next two weeks - the TT starts tomorrow.  Lots of motorbikes and guys in leather!  We were there last year, on Senior Race Day, and it was fun, even though I had no idea what was going on.  I'll keep you posted on this years events.

Bye for now



  1. Hi Linda, the samples look great! I like the look of the Prima pad, I had an A4 delivered yesterday so looking forward to

  2. Hi Honey, your stash looks exciting, I'm off to have a closer look at the prima pad! Loving the peek at the chandelier - I've just bought one and now have a thing for them!!! Enjoy dinner!


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