
Wednesday 20 June 2012

Do you ever get the feeling you've been here before!

Good morning - well actually it's nearly afternoon,
That's the story of my week so far.  Here we are again, Wednesday already and I've hardly done a thing.  I'm still playing catch up with last weeks 'To Do' list, but I'm getting there - slowly!

It looks like summer is back here on the island- for now at least!  The last couple of days have been really nice with sunshine all day (not that I've seen much of it).  Today isn't quite as sunny but it is nice and warm. At least I'll get the washing dry.  I do hope it's nice where you are and that you're getting the chance to make the most of it.

First job of the week was to finish a birthday card.  It's a little late I know (birthday was Saturday) but I did send a gift and it arrived in time.  Sally won't hold it against me I'm sure, she knows her card is to follow.  I did send a little hand-made something as part of her gift - a door hanger for her Craft Room.

I got the idea for this from an article in this months Craft Stamper Magazine.  The colours I've used are similar but I used different stamps, mainly because at the time I didn't have the fabulous Patchwork Butterfly stamps from Chocolate Baroque.  Notice how I said 'at the time'.  Yes, you've guessed it, they've somehow found their way into my stash (naughty me!).  Well, you can never have enough butterflies, and the large one on this set is just gorgeous.  Can I just say how quick they were in arriving too.  I ordered them about 3.30pm on the 11th and they arrived in the morning post on the 12th - can't ask for more than that can you.

Back to the door hanger.  The stamps I used were all from Mr Holtz, except the butterfly wings which were from a large Hero Arts collage stamp.
I made the background by spritzing plain white card with Distress Ink (from the re-inkers) mixed with a little water (Spun Sugar, Worn Lipstick and Peeled Paint).  Then I spritzed Perfect Pearls over the top and covered the card with cling film, wrinkled it up a little, and left it to dry.  Peel off the cling film once it's dried and you'll find that the perfect pearls has gathered in the creases giving a marbling or mother of pearl look to the card.  I like to cover a few full sheets of card when  I'm doing this technique and then I have a stash to use when I like.
I then stamped the images using black Versafine, the large flourish and the numbers are from TH Stampers Anonymous Fairytale Frenzy (CMS058), and the dress form is from Haberdashery (CMS105).  The dress form has been stamped again onto textured cardstock, cut out and decoupaged over the top. The butterfly wings have been added along with some ribbon trim around the bottom.  The wording was just done on the computer, cut out, inked and doodled around the edge
You can also see a close up of how the perfect pearls turned out - pretty or what!

I decorated the back too.......
...... using the same flourish stamp and added one of Tim's sayings (Stuff to Say CMS110).  Final thing, I added some ink splats using the Picket Fence Distress Stain, and literally splat the bottle straight onto the card - great fun!
I can't share the card with you yet as I haven't sent it, but I will say that it matches the door hanger.

Well, at least I've made a start on this week's blogging.  I'll be back later on with some Blog challenge entries.  You'll be sick of me before today is through.
I'm going to try and enjoy a little of this nice weather and have lunch outside I think - after I've put more washing out!  What a glamorous life I lead.

Bye for now



  1. love it Linda. Saw your beautiful cards on C n C this morning with Kay from Indigo Blue xx

  2. Hi Linda, just catching up - This is a fabulous door hanger love the colour - so feminine - and the sentiment is perfect.
    Great PB card, love the 5 circle layout.
    Avril xx


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