
Wednesday 27 June 2012

Do you know what it is yet ............?

Good morning ....
I know I'm a little early this morning, yes it is actually me here, I've not scheduled this to post while I'm still away in the land of nod.  I am up (not comletely awake), still in PJ's however.  Lots to do today, so I needed an early start.

This is the main thing I have to do ...... just a sneaky look - it's nowhere near finished!  It's the birthday gift to go with the card from yesterday.  It needs to be all done and dusted soon,  I need to take this across to the UK on Friday.
oooh! .....  what can it be?
Can you tell what it is? 
The canvas has been prepped - a coat of Gesso and a coat of white acrylic paint. Just needs some colour on there now.
The main design pieces have all been cut and layered up ready.  Thanks to my trusty Cricut machine yesterday - he's always a big help.  I'm hoping once everything is in it's place it will look fab. 
That's this afternoon all planned, along with trying to squeeze in my challenge card for the PBSC.  Then once all that is done I can sit down and play with this ........

...... my monthly Project Kit from Craftwork Cards.  Doesn't it look gorgeous!  The papers are really sweet and the new candy is just soooo cute.  There's all sorts in there, it's such a great bargain, and the quality is fab.  Check it out here on their website.  Can't wait to get started, I'll be back later in the week with what I come up with.

Must dash, I have to toodle off into town this morning, a few things to do (boring stuff - bank etc.)  It's raining again so I thought I could go in when Stephen goes to work, I don't get wet then! 
I'm also meeting up with a friend while I'm there, for coffee and a chat, (not boring stuff!) so I could be a while.

See you all later.  Have a lovely day.


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