
Thursday 14 June 2012

Everything's now running fine

Hello out there,
Just want to do a quick post and say  My Blog is working again - yeah!!  I can now see all my posts and the lovely comments that you have been leaving me, thank you so much.  They've all been published now, and I will get back to you all soon - I promise. I need to catch up with what everyone has been up to while I've been away.
Patience isn't my strongest point, and when I can't get my laptop to do what I want I'm like a bear with a sore head - grumpy doesn't come into it.
For the past couple of days Blogger just hasn't been playing ball, and from the sound of things I'm not the only one having problems.  Mine seems all sorted now, thanks to my genius husband.  My tech-support has finally had time to sit down and sort it out.  I kept getting a message with the error code bx-1io90b whenever I logged on and tried to do anything - there's been a lot of screaming at my poor laptop I can tell you.    Anyway  my OH managed to find out that it was something to do with an AVG Tool Bar or something like that !!?!?? (computers, not my strong point).  He pressed a few buttons, disabled it, and Hey presto!  It's all working again.  Thank you  xx
Sorry it's not a craft related post today.  I have been busy though, doing more samples but you'll have to wait until the weekend for some sneak peeks - I haven't photographed anything yet!   I've also been putting the finishing touches to a birthday gift.  Again, more on that next week.

Have a lovely evening, what's left of it.  I'm having an early night.  I need to get these samples finished tomorrow come what may, so it could be a long day.

Bye for now.


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