
Thursday 26 July 2012

Busy again!

Hello everyone,
Yes it's me, it's a bit late I know, but I wanted to do a quick post to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you.  I haven't been around for a couple days because I've been REALLY busy in the old craft room.  Burning the midnight oil and all that.
But, everything was finally finished this morning - or should I say yesterday, as it is now.  It was all photographed, parceled up and in the post at lunchtime - Job done! It's such a nice feeling when everything's finished and I'm happy with what I've come up with.
I've been busy playing with new stamps from Indigo Blu, and they are GORGEOUS.  Loved every minute of it, well almost (smile!).  I can't wait to see what the rest of the DT have been creating.

Kay's back on Create and Craft on Sunday.  It's a 2 hour show this time (yeah!),  so hopefully there'll be lots of demos.  It starts at 12 noon so set your Sky boxes to record,  it's going to be a great show. (Sky Channel 671/Freeview 36/Freesat 813)

Unfortunately I can't give too much away about what's coming up, but I have got a couple of sneaky peeks for you ....... don't tell anyone though will you!

Well, what do you think?  Are you tempted?  Tune in on Sunday, you won't be disappointed.

There is another reason why I haven't been Blogging the last couple of days .........
meet Alex
........... our Grandson, Alex and his mummy are over for a few days.  They arrived on Tuesday evening - eventually.  It was a bit touch and go as to whether they would make it.
At the beginning of the week the Isle of Man was covered in thick mist for two days.  Planes where having trouble landing at the airport it was so bad.  On Tuesday (when they were due to arrive), flights were being cancelled all morning and nothing actually landed at Ronaldsway Airport until 3.15 in the afternoon.  I spent most of the morning checking websites and weather reports, inbetween making show samples.  But, they finally landed  just after 7 in the evening, only 50 minutes late which, considering the day we'd had, wasn't bad at all.  
They must have brought the sunshine with them, because Wednesday was totally different.  It was absolutely glorious here.  We made the most of it and spent the afternoon in Douglas Bay, walking along the prom,
eating ice cream and playing in the park.
 We even went down on the beach, it was lovely (I've actually caught the sun!!).
Let's hope this weather lasts for a while,  they're here until next Tuesday.

With the DT commitments and because I have other things keeping me busy at the moment, mainly one rather cute little 22 month old,   I haven't had time to do any Blog challenges this week - oh no!  And, I've STILL got my Timmie Tag to do for July!   Hopefully, I'll be back at the weekend with that.

Normal service will resume shortly - please bear with me.

Enjoy the sunshine this week, if you're lucky enough to have some and I'll see you all again soon.

Thanks for popping by,



  1. ...loVe the look of your sneaky peeks and can't wait to see the finished piece's...and what a delicious bundle of fun your Grandchild is, no wonder your time has been limited and in such a delightful way...Mel :)
    Thanks for your loVely comment Linda re DT...xx

  2. Hi Linda, ooh, great sneak peeks there, I will be tuned in and glued to the TV, would not miss it for the world. Little Alex is a darling, so glad the weather turned better for you all and hope it lasts a bit longer, ours is very mixed. Don't forget to take a little time for yourself every now and then.......A x

  3. Love the sneeky peaks and what an adorable little boy! Xxx


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