
Tuesday 10 July 2012

Happy Birthday!!

Good morning everyone,
Happy Tuesday!  Hope you are well.  I haven't spent much time in the old craft room over the weekend - none in fact.  After the mad dash on Friday to get my PB challenge finished, I needed a break.  I just left the mess, closed the door and forgot about it for the Bank Holiday.  4 days of relaxation, and a marathon 'Fringe'-fest.
US TV series
We parked ourselves infront of the TV and watched a full series and a half to bring us virtually up to date.  Well, Stephen wasn't feeling too good anyway and plus the weather wasn't brilliant so it was the best place to be.
We did have one really nice day - Friday was good, glorious in fact.  We went down to the prom in Douglas to the Continental market that was there over the weekend.  It was so busy because it was such a nice day.  Look how blue the sea looks ......
There were lots of stalls selling food, crafts and stuff.  We spent a fortune, ate too much but had a great time.  Went home with lots of yummy things - cakes, German salami, Greek olives, cheese, nuts ........ you get the idea.
As it was just after lunchtime the Liverpool ferry - the Manannan, was coming into the harbour ....
It looked so nice coming in with the sunshine reflecting off it - makes me want to go across to the UK again though.

Oh no ......  another of my little IOM info posts.
The little castle in the middle of the bay, that you can see in the first picture is called the 'Tower of Refuge'. It's one of the best known landmarks of the Isle of Man, and is built on a small reef known as Conister Rocks (also know as St Mary's Isle).
It was built by Sir William Hillary (founder of the RNLI) after several shipwrecks on the rocks, including the wreck of the St George in 1830, in which he himself was involved in the rescue.  He wanted to create a refuge for survivors, until help could get to them.
The tower was completed in 1832 for a cost of approximately £250, and apparently since building the tower and up to the present day, no more ships have hit Conister Rocks.
There's a special underwater cable that lights up the castle at night during the summer months, and it also flies the RNLI flag. The perfect tribute to the man that made it all happen.
If you want to know more, there's a Wiki page here or the Douglas Lifeboat site has more information here
At certain times of the year the tide is so low that you can actually walk across the beach all the way to the tower.  We missed it last time, but if we get the chance again it's something I'd like to do.

Enough IOM info.  Back to crafty stuff.
I had to venture back into the craft room yesterday, another last minute, but very important card to make.  Yes, it's that time of year again - hubby's birthday!!
He always tells me not to bother with a card, but I couldn't let his special day go by without one could I, everyone else gets a card!!
After tidying up last weeks mess this is what I made for him ...... 
Now you all know how much I love making cards for men ......  well, I really enjoyed doing this one.
I used some of my favourite stamps from Indigo Blu (Grand Tour III and Take the Time) ......
got all messy with my Distress Inks, and used metal embellies from my Tim Holtz stash.


I decorated the inside too.....
I was really pleased with the finished result, and Stephen liked it too when he opened it this morning.  The good thing about this card is I'm not really giving it away as such am I.  I can sort of keep this one.

Anyway, better be off.  Not much crafting is going to get done today I'm afraid.  I have had a couple of nice packages from my lovely postie which are new crafty goodies, BUT the parcel guy came before him this morning.   He brought me  'Mr Grey' (and his fifty shades).  Well, I was feeling a little bit left out as everyone seems to be reading this book, so I'm going to see what all the fuss is about.

Bye for now.

Have a lovely day



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