
Sunday 29 July 2012

Seals in Peel and Indigo Blu

Happy Sunday evening everyone,
I hope you've all had a good weekend.  Did you remember to watch the Indigo Blu show on Create and Craft this morning?
Kay did a fine job again with some fabulous demonstrations, and weren't the new stamps just gorgeous!  Which was your favourite?

I showed you a couple of sneaky peeks last week before the show,  now here they are in full, plus a couple more of the samples I sent to Kay ......
This was stamped onto kraft card in Vintage Sepia Versafine ink, and then coloured with watercolour pencils.  The flake that I used was the new Manchester Tart onto the lovely flourish stamp that comes in the new sentiment set.  As Kay said on the show, this little stamp makes a lovely background.

Next is one of my favourites, the rose ....
This is such a pretty stamp and it's one of those that looks different depending on what colour you go for.
Here I've used the stamp with a grey Versafine ink, to completely cover the background, starting in the middle and then masking each of the flowers.
The rose was then stamped again, 4 times, using Worn Lipstick Distress Marker, applied directly onto the stamp.  They were then cut into layers and decoupaged over the centre rose - so pretty!
These stamps also work well with shrink plastic because they're such a nice size. You can see I've used a little rose on the sentiment.
Last one of my sneak peeks is the Iris ....

Another way of using the stamps ..... stamp the image and them cut around it before adding to your card.  The background is the IB Harlequinn stamp done with black ink, and then again with the Flitter Glu and Flakes, this time I've used the new Gin & Tonic (my favourite!). Add a lovely sentiment, a piece of pretty ribbon and some gems - done!
Here's some more of what I sent to Kay, all done using the Distress Markers to colour the stamps, then the matching Distress Inks to add colour to the backgrounds etc. ......
The sentiment on this one has been done with the Flitter Glu and flakes first, and then I overstamped it again, slightly to one side, with black ink to give like a shadow effect.
And finally ..... I had to do a tag
These are just a few of what I made,  I will post the rest over the next few days, along with the little tag book that Kay showed on the show.

If you didn't get chance to order from Create and Craft all the stamps, and the flakes etc., are available here on the Indigo Blu website.  I think they're all in stock.

Well, I've another busy week coming up, more DT stuff, so I may not have chance to pop on here as much as I would like.
Lauren and Alex also go home on Tuesday so I'm spending as much time as I can with them.
We went to the beach again today, this time over in Peel.  It was a nice sunny afternoon over there and the beach is lovely.  Alex had a ball ......
Peel Castle in the background
We walked along the quay side looking for dolphins or seals playing in the waters ....
..... and eventually we spotted 3 seals swimming in the bay .....

....... sooo cute!  It's nice to see them swimming in the open sea.

Well, that's me done for this evening.  Time to put my feet up and relax before bedtime.

Thanks for stopping by

Have a lovey week, and I'll be back soon.



  1. Hi Linda, your samples were/are amazing, such beautiful stamps, the daisy is my favourite. Loved the shows, Kay is such a natural now. I think I may have to spend some more money soon on some of the lovely products. Well done on doing so many beautiful samples! A x

  2. I had forgotten Kay was on this morning but fortunately caught a good half (if not a bit more) of the show whilst tackling a pile of ironing.
    Your samples are fabulous - Dean particularly liked that tag of yours.
    Looks like you had fun at the beach

  3. Wow! These are amazing! Xxx


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