
Tuesday 21 August 2012

Craft Room - CLOSED

Morning everyone,
Bit of an early post from me today - busy, busy, busy! 
Nothing to share with you craft wise I'm afraid.  I was hoping to get my August Tag done before I went on this UK trip but unfortunately time ran out.  First job on the list for when I get back.

As of now, the old craft room is closed for a few days.  It's actually tidy in there, the floor has even been vacuumed.  There's not much on my desk, most of it's in my trolley waiting to go across to the UK.   Trolley weighs a ton.  Well, you never know what I might need.  I have a week of craft, craft and more craft coming up.
I'm on a  2 day Craft retreat doing workshops with the lovely Kay from Indigo Blu  and the very talented Sarah McCrossan - it's going to be a good one, lots of crafty friends going to be there.
Then at the weekend I have a workshop booked with the one and only Maria Simms and that's a Clarity class (oooh!). Brayer at the ready!
On top of all that it's Leigh Craft Show next weekend so that means shopping for new stash. Has to be done I'm afraid.
I'm also going to be spending time with my gorgeous grandson Alex, and his mum too, and of course we need to catch up with the rest of the family.  So, lots to do, it's going to be a busy week. 

I'm afraid all this means that Blog posts will be few and far between.  Don't worry, if I get time I'll let you know how I''m getting on, otherwise I'll see you all when I get back for a good old catch up.

Enjoy your week, I know I'm going to. 
I'm off into town shortly for some last minute shopping, but first there's a cup with my name on, waiting for me in the kitchen - coffee time!
Bye for now



  1. Wow Linda, what a great week you are going to have. I envy you the time with Kay and Sarah! Hope you have a wonderful time......Crafty hugs, Anne x

  2. Hi Linda, sounds like you are going to have a fabulous time, Enjoy!
    Avril xx


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