
Friday 10 August 2012

That Friday feeling ...

Happy Friday folks!
Are you all ready for the weekend?  I know I am, it's been a really long week this week.

Still haven't cleared the ironing mountain, in fact it's getting bigger!! Must stop putting on the washing machine ......  I must confess though, I got a little distracted yesterday, I went into the old craft room to put something away (my latest ebay purchases), and decided to sit for a while and plan the next project on my list.  Four hours later (oops!) 2 projects started, but still no ironing done I thought it best to leave things.  I think I'll take Mel's advice - give the ironing a miss and go buy new clothes!!!  Not sure the other half will approve of that one though.

Anyway, on to things crafty.
Did any of you see Sarah and Vicky, from Stamp Addicts, on C&C yesterday?  They were showing their new Christmas stamps.
I gave you a few sneak peeks last week of some of the samples I did for them, well here they are in full.
the beautiful poinsettia
the winter scene

 this has a bit of everything
Not all of my samples were shown on the telly, here's the one's you didn't see ....
I think out of all of them my favourites are the winter scene in the Christmas bauble (Spellbinders Heirloom Ornament - love this die).  I used my favourite technique for the background, and there's even some flitter flu and flakes on there.
And, I really like how my tag turned out.  The girls sent me three stamps to work with, and they're all on there.  There's a bit of masking, inking, colouring with Copics, some glitter, a bit of decoupage, die cutting and it's all finished off with ribbon and a charm.  Me and my tags - the bigger the better.  The only problem is, when you make a large tag, it needs a large box to go on, could prove to be expensive!

The next C&C show to watch out for is Kay tomorrow with Indigo Blu Christmas (Saturday 11th,  11 o'clock til 1).  I spoke to her yesterday, my box had arrived safely - phew!  There's going to be some stunning new stamp designs, as well as more stock of ones that sold out so quickly last time.  Also no doubt Kay will have some great demos planned, so tune in, or set to record, you won't want to miss it!  HO! HO! HO!

Well,I suppose it's back to the ironing (sigh!).  No rest for the wicked.  Or, maybe I'll just pop into the old craft room and check how things are looking this morning - much better idea I think. 

Have a lovely weekend, hope this glorious weather lasts.
It's actually the Royal Manx Show today and tomorrow, so it would be nice if the sunshine stayed a little bit longer.

Thanks for popping by, and thank you all for your lovely comments on posts this week.  It's nice to know that you're out there.

Bye for now



  1. Hi Linda, that poinsettia stamp is one of the nicest I have seen and it layers up beautfully. Like you I like the sample with the heirloom die and the picture set it, it looks wonderful. Will be missing for a few days, DH is 70 and lots of celebrations with family planned. I hm recording the shows though, don't want to miss those. Crafty hugs, Anne x

  2. Beautiful Christmas cards, I especially love the Red Poinsetta creation at the bottom :) Shirley

  3. Hi Linda, just catching up! Haven't seen the show yet (did remember to record though) Your samples are gorgeous and I do like the scene in the heirloom die.
    It must be frustrating for you when they don't show all your samples after all the hard work.
    Have a great week.
    Avril xx


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