
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Dates for your diary

Morning everyone,
I don't know what it's like where you are, but it's pretty wet and miserable here.  The weathermen were right - for once!
One good thing though, it's the perfect sort of day for spending in the old craft room.  Just as well as I have lots to do.
I'm in the middle of making a few samples for the girls at Stamp Addicts.  It's their 20th Birthday this month and they're having a bit of a do!  There's a Demo Day on at the weekend - Saturday 29th.  Details are on their website
Once they're all finished I'll be able to have a play with the goodies that my lovely postie brought for me this morning.  In all that rain too - bless him!
Look what he brought for me ........

just look at all this stuff!!!!
It's my latest DT kit from the lovely Julie Hickey at Craftwork Cards.  It's sooo nice.  As usual there's such a lot much in there .....
Cards and envelopes, backing papers, yummy new glittered papers, sentiments, die cut frames and gorgeous new flowers, tickets, tags, candi,  beautiful pearls, the list goes on.  It's the new Memory Lane Project of the Month and you can see the details in full here on the website.  Looking forward to playing with this one.
There's also the GNPE  (Great Northern Papercrafts Extravaganza) coming up soon, the 6th-7th October  (unfortunately I won't be going this time - sigh!).  It's a great little craft show organised by Craftwork Cards.  If any of you are going, enjoy, don't spend too much (yeah, like that's going to happen!) and say 'Hi' to everyone for me.  I'll be there next time!

One more thing to remind you about, then coffee breaks over I'm afraid.
Don't forget that the fabulous Kay from Indigo Blu is back on our screens this week - yeah!! Create and Craft (Sky channel 671/Freeview 36/Freesat 813), Thursday 27th , I think it's 11 and 3.
There's brand new Christmas stamps, one's so new it only arrived through my letterbox yesterday morning.  In fact I don't even think it's on the website yet. Here's a sneaky peek at it ....
It is rather nice, and one of those that you just have to have in your collection.  Anyway, enough of me spending your cash.  Don't forget, 11 and 3 tomorrow. 

This is one of the samples I sent to Kay for the show.  The box has been decorated with one of the new stamps, but what's inside? ............. you'll have to tune in and see (it better be on the show now ....... I'll look a right ninny if it's not!)
Thanks for popping by, see you again soon.

Bye for now from a very wet and windy Isle of Man


  1. Hi Linda, yep - its wet and windy here too, perfect for crafting, I need to spend some time and try and catch up!
    Your little box looks lovely and the sneak peek looks interesting, thanks for the reminder will set the timer! Shame you're not going to GNP, it would have been nice to meet up.
    Avril xx

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments Avril. It would have been lovely to meet up at the GNPE (I'm even more upset I'm not going now. It's a definite date for the next one though! xx

  2. Hi Linda, wet and very windy here too. Love those papers from CC, I regret that I cannot go to the Papercraft show this year either, it is one of the best in my opinion. Your box for Kay is quite stunning, looking forward to the shows now. Have a good day crafting (what's left of it anyway). Crafty hugs, Anne x

    1. Totally agree with you Anne, the GNPE is one of the best craft shows, along with the one at Port Sunlight, which is another one I won't be attending this time either (very sad face!)
      Thanks for you lovely comments, and I hope the knee is feeling better. xx


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