
Wednesday 19 September 2012

Is it really only lunchtime....... ?

Hi everyone,
Good news, cards are in the post - yeah!  They should be with Alex tomorrow, well in time for his birthday.

No craft to share with you yet (sigh!)  I haven't had chance to go into the old craft room today.  Had a busy morning though.  I was wide awake at stupid o'clock, so I got up and decided to make a start on the household stuff for today.  So, dishwasher emptied and pots put away,  washing sorted, sandwiches made for hubby's lunch, tonight's dinner in the slow cooker, breakfast made, eaten and washed up afterwards,  showered and out by 9am.  Not bad eh! 

It was just a quick trip to the Post Office this morning - pity really as it's a lovely day.  We have blue skies and the sun is shining again, so at least I didn't get wet this week!  Mind you, it's still only lunchtime, (is it really only lunchtime - I've been awake ages!)  it can all change!  In fact, clouds are forming as we speak. Oh no!

No major retail therapy today, although I did pop into the bookshop while I was down there.  I've been after the new cook book from the Hairy Bikers but it's been out of stock.  When I saw it back on the shelf today I had to pick up a copy.

Looks good.  The diet starts now!  Well maybe tomorrow - there's still part of a cheesecake in the fridge and it would be really bad of me to throw it away now wouldn't it!  And there's still cake too.

You've probably spotted ANOTHER craft magazine - I couldn't resist the pretty pearl buttons on the front, and there's also a cookery mag (that's another thing I buy a lot of).
So, I guess I have some reading to do this afternoon.  I think it's coffee and feet up time for me.  Well I did have an early start.

Enjoy your Wednesday.
See you again soon


  1. Hi Linda, oh you are a busy bee, hope you have managed to read your mags with your feet up and had a relaxing afternoon. Hugs. X

  2. Well, I was up with you...defrosted and cleaned my chest freezer...brrr, a job I hate....put clothes in dryer, dishes away, made a pot of coffee and fell alsleep on the sofa watching the morning!!


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