
Wednesday 12 September 2012

Rain, rain go away!

Hi folks,
Sorry I've been missing for a few days, too much to do and not enough time to do it in.  Nothing new there then!  My 'To Do' list wasn't getting any smaller so something had to take a back seat, unfortunately it was my blog (boo hoo!) and the housework (yeah!).   But, as of this morning I'm back on track, for a couple of days at least anyway.  That is after I've dried off!
I got soaked going into town this morning.  It was one of those necessary trips again - had to go to the Post Office, DT samples to send off, and birthday cards to post so there was no getting out of it.  It's done now though, everything is in the hands of the Royal Mail, all I can do is hope they arrive on time.

It's been a bit of a mad couple of days in the old craft room.  I've been playing with the brand new Indigo Blu Christmas stamps, if you can't wait until they air on the TV, you can see them here on their website.  They are rather gorgeous and they're available now.
Here's a couple of sneak peeks at some of what's been keeping me so busy .......
ooh ..... there's another new Indigo Blu product here too ..... any ideas what it is?

2 cards ...... same stamp ?
a little bit of acetate
I'm not sure of the dates and times of Kay's next shows on C&C, I think it's towards the end of the month.  Watch this space.

Well, it looks as if the sun is trying to get out now - typical!  We have blue skies again.  I've said before, IOM weather is certainly changeable.   It was like this yesterday too.  It bucketed down with rain in the afternoon, then just as I was making dinner last night this appeared .......
Sorry, it's not a brilliant picture, it was a case of grab the camera, point and click.  It was so much brighter in real life, and the second one, just to the left, was much clearer to see.  A perfect end to the day.

I'm off now to try and catch up with some Blog Challenges (time is running out again), and also to make a start on a very important birthday card for next week.  My grandson Alex is 2 next Friday (where has that time gone!) and he'd be shocked  if his card was late. 
See you all again tomorrow.  Enjoy the rest of your Wednesday.



  1. Great sneak peaks Linda.... Can't wait to see the rest of them...hope you are all dried out now. Love the new stamp sets... All of them!! Hugs. X

  2. You really are a very busy lady! Love the sneak peaks. I got the swirly Christmas tree and I love it. Look forward to seeing Kay again on C & C. Take care and don't work too hard. Love the pic of Alex and Happy Birthday to him on the day. Crafty hugs, Anne x

  3. Hi Linda, just catching up - I think I've been busy, but then I read all that you are doing and wonder how you manage everything!
    Love the sneak peeks, can't wait to see them fully!
    Avril xx


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