
Tuesday 16 October 2012

National Dictionary Day

Evening everyone,
Twice in one day - I told you I was busy.  It's only a quick one though.

For those who didn't know it's National Dictionary Day today (I didn't know until I read Eileen's FB post this morning) 
I believe it's in honour of a gentleman called Noah Webster, an American lexicographer who was born on this day in 1758,  who later published the first Amercian dictionary.  (If you're interested there's more details here)

Seeing as I'm a member of the Altered Art Dictionary group on Facebook, and it's absolutely ages since I've touched my dictionary, I thought it was a good idea to dust it off and do a few pages, in honour of Mr Webster.
In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, the AAD is a group on Facebook, started by the lovely Eileen Godwin.
All you need is a dictionary, some stamps, and something to colour with.  You just choose a word, highlight it and decorate the page - simple.  It can become quite addictive, I just haven't had time to do any recently.  Until today that is. 

This is what I came up with ..........



If you're on Facebook, why not come and join in, it's fun!

Enjoy the rest of your evening.  See you again tomorrow.

Thanks for looking.



  1. Oh you just posted again!! Love these autumn themed pages, what a great thing to do with an old dictionary!


  2. Well, I'm sorry I didn't know it was NDD - you can imagine what I would have done with that in a post!! But that aside, what you've done is absolutely adorable! I've never even heard of this. I will have to go check it out, so TFS!

    And thanks for the congrats you sent today!!

  3. Hi Linda, I didn't know it was NDD either but you have certainly celebrated it in style with your gorgeous pages. It is such a great idea to do that, I might even go out and get a larger dictionary to alter too! Thanks so much for the amazing inspiration, as always. Crafty hugs, Anne x


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