
Monday 1 October 2012

White Rabbits! White Rabbits! White Rabbits!

Hi everyone,
Well,  it's the first of the month again. Time flies when you're having fun - doesn't it just.
I apologise to anyone who thinks it's a little early for the Christmas Countdown Banner, but I must confess, I love the build up to the big day, plus it's going to keep me on my toes as far as my Christmas cards go - I hope!
Did you all have a good weekend?  Mine wasn't bad.  Saturday was a bit hectic, but yesterday was nice and relaxing so I'm all ready for another busy week.

Stephen and I did the Poker Stars Treasure Hunt on Saturday.  Unfortunately we didn't win anything this year but we had a great time. The weather was fab and the course took us along parts of the island we hadn't seen before
Views from Sulby Reservoir

Our final destination was the famous Cregg Ny Baa on the mountain road on the TT Course.
It was a bit of a tough one this year and the competition was very strong.   We didn't do too badly though - at least we didn't come last!
The questions score was out of 56 .......

we had all the collectables on the list ......
a hat
a tea bag
some elestic
a 20p coin
a red crayon
an envelope
and a golf tee
(by the way, the hat wasn't mine.  It actually belongs to my son???!)

It was the pictures that let us down this year, only 6 out of the 10.  We really could have done with an extra pair of eyes to look for these.  Last year we had Lauren with us, that's our excuse anyway.
The joint winners had 70 points, third place 69 so our 66 was pretty good.  We very happy with that.

This weekend is going to be another busy one I think.  Lauren and Alex are coming over for a few days on Saturday.  Last time they were here Alex thought Grandma's playroom looked like fun
the new King of Distress I wonder ....
Think I'm going to have to sort him a little box out with craft goodies in and a space so he can play along with me.
Really looking forward to seeing them both, they don't come often enough.  However I am going to have to get a move on this week and make sure all the stuff that needs doing is done and out of the way.

Before I go and get started, just a little bit of cratfyness.  You remember I showed you one of the samples I sent to Kay for last weeks C&C shows.  And how I said I would look a right ninnie if it wasn't on - well if the cap fits!!
You guessed, or saw if you watched the shows it wasn't on! (I didn't see it anyway).
Not sure why but hey ho!  Actually they didn't get to show a lot of the samples in any detail as everything was selling out so fast (Kay did another great job).
This is what was inside the box anyway .......

It was a Christmas decoration.  This started out as a small wooden heart that I covered with Flitter Glu and Flakes.  I made a rosette from the Wishi Washi Tape and used one of the stamps from the new Christmas set 'Looks Like Rain, Deer' for the centre.
If you feel like popping over to the Indigo Blu Blog page I posted some of my samples from last weeks show on there.  You'll also find some fab posts from the rest of the Design Team.

Well, that's it for today.  Off to play with some Craftwork Cards goodies this afternoon.  Hopefully I'll see you later in the week with a sneaky look at what I come up with.

Thanks for looking today, enjoy the rest of Monday.

See you soon
PS  Ooh, almost forgot.  If you look down the right hand side you'll see details of two fabulous Giveaways that are currently running - chances to win some gorgeous Ribbon Girl goodies.  Don't miss out on these.  xx


  1. Hi Linda, I don't remember seeing your sample which is a shame as it is so beautiful! I love the countdown to Christmas too and look forward to lots of Christmas cards from you for inspiration......Crafty hugs, Anne x

  2. Hi Linda, just catching up - I don't know what happened to last week! The heart is gorgeous, have the show recored but haven't had time to watch!
    Avril xx


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