
Friday 2 November 2012

Done in the nick of time

Hello again,

Well I made it, with time to spare too.  Here's this weeks Less is More Challenge entry.  I'll have to keep this quick, as I still have to get it all uploaded and the clock is ticking.

It's  Week 91 and we have a Sketch to follow ......

As usual Chrissie has come up with some fabulous inspiration cards, and there's loads of stunning entries for this week.  Here's my version ........

Finally, another Christmas Card - whoo hoo!!  Could this be the start of my festive phase, I certainly hope so.  This makes a grand total to date of 5, or is it 6? not sure on that one.  It's not many anyway.

I've been trying to use up bits and pieces from the old Bit Box this week.  It's overflowing with stuff at the moment, you know what it's like, don't want to throw anything away in case we need it!   I'm not doing too bad, this is the second project today that I've managed to complete without cutting into new sheets of cardstock.
I had a good old rummage around and manage to find a big(ish) piece of card coloured using my favourite cling-film technique.  I got the background panel out of it and all three squares.
The snowflakes are stamped with the brand new SU stamp set - Snowflake Soiree from the latest Seasonal Catalogue,  the sentiment is an old Butterfly Kisses stamp (I think).
I added a bit of glitter to the large snowflakes, and white pearls in the centres.  They don't look that sparkley in the photos,  but trust me, in the light they shimmer and sparkle nicely.
The little metal charm was a late add-on.  While I was taking the picture I noticed a tiny spot of  ink on the card - that'll teach me for rushing at the last minute!  I really didn't have the time to start again, so, on went the snowflake to cover it up.  I hope it's not too much, we are supposed to leave plenty of white space, and embellies to a minimum.  I think it looks ok, doesn't  it?

On that note, I'll say Cheerio.  I've got the house to myself tonight.  Chris is off to work soon, and Stephen is going out on someone's Leaving Do from work (that's going to get messy no doubt!)  He won't be home until the early hours of the morning.  
So, it's a nice pasta dish for tea, a glass of red, possibly two, and a good old catch up with the soaps I think.

Thanks for popping by.  Enjoy your evening.



  1. It looks more than OK Linda, it is beautiful, those snowflakes are stunning and the metal one is perfect to finish off. Sorry I have been missing lately, been poorly, trying to do a catch up now. Crafty hugs, Anne x

  2. Your card is also a beauty! Nice colours!
    Thank you for your reaction on my blog.

  3. This is gorgeous,love the colours and fab

  4. Hi Linda, your card is beautiful, and very elegant ....have a great weekend. Hugs. X oh and enjoy your Friday with your glass of red. X

  5. Ooh what a gorgeous stamp set and stunning card!

  6. I just love those panels Linda, lovely colours and great stamping!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  7. I'm glad you nicked it in there in time, Linda. It is so lovely and what luck to have a schmoo on it so you had to add that adorable charm! You would think you had the charm made special just for that card!!

    Hope you enjoyed your quiet evening and thanks for your sweet comments at my commode, I mean, abode!

  8. Very lovely card... soft colours and such beauty. Am sure it sparkles a lot more in real life. Hope you had lots of me time...
    Monica xxx

  9. Your panels are gorgeous. Love the background inking and the snowflakes look fab. x

  10. Hi Linda, just catching up! This is a beautiful card, and a lovely stamp, looks perfect in the panels.
    Avril xx


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