
Friday 28 December 2012

Only a few days left

Morning all,

Not long to go now before the start of a new year.  What's 2013 got in store I wonder.

I hope you've all had a good Christmas, not too much of the old festive spirits.  It's been a pretty quiet one over here, nice and relaxing.  Christmas dinner out is something I can definitely get used to.  I did miss having the whole family around but, we had a fabulous meal, ate far too much though - 10 courses!!!  And the best bit was, no washing up - or loading the dishwasher I should say.
When we got back home we spent the rest of the day on the sofa and watched the whole first series of something called 'Falling Skies' - all 10 episodes!!  Neither of us could face anything else to eat, not even a "little mint wafer"!  In fact we didn't eat until well into the afternoon on Boxing Day.  The fridge is still bulging with all that 'just in case' festive food, and the Christmas pudding still hasn't been touched.  Oh well, the diet doesn't start until January.

The old craft room door finally closed on Christmas Eve (and hasn't been opened since!)  The last task on my 'To Do' list was my Timmie Tags.

Drumroll please ............ my December tags are done - whoo hoo!!  My set of 12 Tags of 2012 is now complete.

Here are Tim's December tags ......
He's made them into cards this time.

And here's my versions .......
I've kept pretty much to the original design, just added my own little bits here and there.
I loved doing the backgrounds using the metallic Distress Stains. You can't really see the shine from the metallic stains in the photograph but it is there, trust me.
On the snowman one I decided to add some snowflakes in the background and embossed them with a sparkly white powder.  I added an extra layer to his hat and also his scarf.   The word 'snowman' was stamped again and layered to cover up a bit of bad rubber stamping on my part, but I do quite like how it stands out.  My sentiment is a rubber stamp I've had forever, and I chose to finish off with the blue tinsel instead of the silver - very frosty looking.
The final tag was so quick and easy to do, it's all die cuts.  The tattered poinsettia is done in the same way as Tim's, grunge paper covered with tissue wrap then coloured using Distress Inks.  I did an extra layer in green Kraft-core cardstock for the leaves. Each layer of the flower has been given a coat of frosting using the Distress Stickles Dry Glitter in the Clear Rock Candy.  It's more sparkly when the light hits it in real life, on the picture it does actually look like frost.    My flourish is a Memory Box die - would you believe I don't have the Alterations one (must sort that out in the new year!) and I've added a couple of metal charms from my stash.

There you have it, all 12 Tags done!

I've really enjoyed doing these, and to have actually been amongst the winners one month too was just amazing!  I hope we can do it all again next year.

In case I don't get chance to blog again this year, I'd like to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year.
Thank you for all your comments and support over the last 12 months, it's been fun!!

All the best
Crafty hugs


  1. Hi Linda, first of all, Well Done on your tags and how wonderful they look too. I am so pleased that you enjoyed your cooking and no washing up....sounds heaven...I really have enjoyed your blog posts this year and look forward to lots more in 2013.... Most all of it was fantastic to meet you this tear and I look forward to meeting up again....hugs. X

  2. Your tags are wonderful Linda, so glad you got them finished too. Good to hear that the lunch out went well - 10 courses - wow! Wishing you all the very best for the New Year and look forward to seeing your creations in 2013. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Congratulations on your win! Lovely tags! I love how you displayed all of them completed as well. Happy New Year!

  4. Beautiful - I love the "frosty" poinsettia!

    Congrats on your win on this month's Tim Holtz blog!!

  5. Well done Linda, thank goodness you got them in and then won! Congratulations....... Hugs, Anne x

  6. Congratulations on your Win at Tim's. I love your tags, lovely to see them all displayed together. I always want to join in with Tim's tags, but never quite manage it, so just drool over everyones elses work. Hugs lin

  7. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments.
    I was absolutely 'gob-smacked' to find that I'd won another Timmie Tag month. It was definitely time for another little dance around the craft room.
    I'm ready to start the fun all over again in 2013.
    Happy New Year to you all!


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