
Thursday 6 December 2012

To Hubby, with love .....

Morning everyone,

Just a quick post today I'm afraid, still lots to do.

Thank you so much to all my followers, new and old, who are putting up with my temporary (I hope!) lack of creativity.  I do appreciate your comments.  Bear with me, I'm sure things will soon be back on track.

For the last couple of weeks I haven't had the time to join in over at Less is More. And you all know how I hate to miss a challenge.    
It just so happens that this week it's a Colour challenge, and what else could the colours be other than ......

Seeing as I had a Twinchie sat on my desk done in just those colours, it would have been rude not enter this week.
I don't usually make my Twinchies into cards, however I couldn't resist this one - Stephen, here's your Christmas card .........
It's a little bit more CAS than my usual cards for hubby but I think it says it all.
There's lots of white space, not too heavy on the embellies, and I love the liquid pearls for the berries.
The sentiment stamp is by Stampotique and is one of my favourites.

Well that's one card I can cross off the list.  Just the rest of the family ones to do now!
I must confess that I have actually written some cards that I had left over from last year.  Well, I haven't had time to make any yet, and there are some that I need to send early.  I just hope that I didn't send the same cards to the same people as last year (oops! that would be embarrassing).  Too late to worry now, they're going in the post today!

Here's a few of last years designs .........
Tim's Snowflake stamps

I love Black and white with a touch of colour

soooo cute!

 See what I mean, about Hubby's card ........
............. not usually so CAS. this was last years.

Well, must dash.  Off to the Post Office then it's a spot of Christmas shopping I think.
We've also got Stephen's work's Christmas Do on Saturday.  That means dinner suits and evening wear.  My dress is out of the wardrobe, it still fits (thank goodness!).  I just need a little help, making it all look a bit .... smoother shall we say.  So it's off to buy a piece of that 'hold it all in' underwear I think.  Wish me luck!

Thanks for popping by today.  Enjoy your Thursday.

Cheerio for now.


  1. linda this is fab.. i love the stamp

    Thanks for joining us

    Jen xx
    "Less Is More"

  2. Great card Linda, and what a good way to use your Twinchie ....You are one step ahead of me....poor Karl will be lucky if he even gets a card this year....x

  3. LOL! I hope you found just the right magic unders and that you have a ball!

    I, of course, LOVE LOVE your CASlicious kissie card you made for hubby from your twinchie! In fact, I'm calling this a winner in my book!!

    Last year's card are brilliant. I've done that, too, before we started sending photo cards. Honestly, I think people totally forget and if they happen to keep your cards, then they will just figure out that you really, really, really loved making that design!!

  4. Beautiful card, Linda. The pearls and ribbon look beautiful and its a fab image. Sue x

  5. Fabulous cards... love the Mwah!
    Perfect CAS!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  6. Love your LIM card Linda made with your beautiful twinchie, that sentiment stamp is fabulous. Also love your cards from last year and I don't think anyone will mind one bit if it is a duplicate. Hugs, Anne x


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