
Monday 7 January 2013

Back to normal again - yeah!!

Happy Monday everyone,

Finally, things can start getting back to normal.  The Christmas decorations have gone back into the loft at last, the fridge is nearly empty of all the festive food stash, although the Christmas pud still hasn't been touched.  And we're down to the last box of chocolates.

What a performance it was though, getting all the festive stuff down.  I'd decided Friday was going to be the day, so after breakfast I made a start.  I started with the easy stuff - candles from the mantle piece.  I picked up a Yankee jar candle, by the lid, which is something I NEVER do (normally).  Yes, you've guessed it, the jar fell, landed right on top of a glass vase on the hearth, which was filled with baubles, beads and fairy lights. SMASH!!! Glass absolutely everywhere. Great start!
I was still in my PJ's at this point, but I thought I'd start cleaning it all up.  Bent down to pick up the candle - which hadn't broken - OUCH!! my back went.  I was in agony.  I couldn't move, and Stephen was out, taking Christopher to work, so I had to stay where I was until he got home. Thankfully he wasn't long.  He cleaned all the broken glass up for me, and had a good giggle at me, I get no sympathy you know!   I'm afraid the rest of the deccies had to stay where they were.  Nobody touches my tree!!!!!   Well,  I still had another day, before 12th night.
I spent the rest of Friday trying to get comfortable.  I couldn't lie down, I couldn't sit - so the old craft room was out.  The only position I could find any relief in was standing up, so I did all the ironing!
It's not too bad now, thank goodness.   A load of pain killers, a hot water bottle, and the odd glass of red, seem to have done the trick.

Today see's me back to work in the old craft room.  I have rather a long 'To Do' list already.  There's Wedding Invites to do (165 of them!),  birthday cards to make (I've loads in January!),  DT samples to start on (really cool and exciting stuff coming up!) and of course Blog challenges to enter.  I can't wait to get back into the swing of things.  I hope Mr Mojo's all ready for this, he's had a long enough break.

As it's a brand new month, Kath from the The CubbyHole has got a new Monday Monthly Ribbon Girl Giveaway.  There's a £10  The Ribbon Girl Gift Voucher up for grabs. All you have to do is pop over to Kath's blog and leave your name on the Linky thingy - simples! 

Well I suppose I'd better go and make a start.  Before I go though, I've noticed that I have a couple of new followers.  Hi to Linda and Lindsay and Thanks for taking the time and joining me on my crafty journey.  I hope you have as much fun as I do.

Enjoy your Monday eveyone.

Thanks for popping by.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda, you made a right old meal of that! I hope you are much better now though and sorry that you hurt your back, nothing worse in my opinion. I don't understand why so many people have birthdays in January - we have loads too. Looking forward to seeing what lovely creations you come up with this year! Hugs, Anne x


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