
Wednesday 16 January 2013

Look what I've been doing .......

Hello again,

Nothing for a week, then twice within a few hours ........... thank you to all my faithful followers for being so patient with me.  I have been busy though - I've just not had time to blog.  Not had time for much really.

It's all over now though, for a while!

I've been busy playing - oops! there I go again - I mean working with the latest designs from the fabulous Indigo Blu.
Did you all see Kay on C&C last weekend, LIVE from CHA? - how exciting was that!  If you did, then you'll have seen what I've spent the last few days with.

I know, I know, I'm sorry! I didn't give you the heads up.  Not doing my job properly there am I!!?!  Hopefully all you IB fans will have seen the show but, if you didn't, then worry not because Kay's on again this weekend - yeah!  Saturday (19th) at 11.00am (Sky channel 671, Freesat  813 and Freeview 36).  They'll have the same products, the new kits, the gorgeous new stamps plus loads of inspiration and new demos from Kay.  Don't miss it!

I must say that DT members Jo and Clare did a fab job in getting samples made for the show at CHA - well done girls, everything looked stunning!   
The new stamps were only ready a few days before the show, I didn't have long enough to get anything done and back with Kay, in time to take to the US with her. (One of the disadvantages of living on this little island in the middle of the Irish Sea).  
So, my box of goodies arrived last week and I've had a little less of a stressful time with them.
My samples have all gone off in the post this morning, with good old Royal Mail, in time for Saturday's show (I hope!)

Here's a sneaky peek at some of the things that are in the box ............

Tick Tock, Tick Tock .......

somewhere to save for your crafty stash .....
I did make a few cards too ......

All of the stamps, and the MDF items are on the Indigo Blu website, you'll find them in the Shop section under New Releases.  They'll  all be on the C&C show on Saturday, but if you just can't wait, and who can blame you, you can pre-order them from the website.

Well that's me done for today.   Thank you for popping by.  Hopefully it won't be as long before you hear from me again.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.



  1. Hi Linda, yes I saw the programme and Kay looked amazing and so did all the lovely new things. I finally bought the flourish stamp and love it (not from the show). Really like the look of your sneak peeks, they look gorgeous as ever. Hugs, Anne x

    PS - you should make a pin cushion, they are quick and easy to make. Thanks for your lovely comment.

  2. I love indigo blu, your sneak peeks are so interesting, look forward to seeing full projects. Off to look at new releases. Hugs lin


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