
Wednesday 13 February 2013

No more Wedding Invites ...... !!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone,

How's your week going?  I have a new follower I see. Welcome Samantha, it's nice to have you along.

"What's this" I hear you all saying - Less is More, before Friday,  two weeks in a row!  You're probably thinking I've nothing else to do - I Wish!!

I'm STILL doing these !??! wedding invites.  I can see light at the end of the tunnel though - thank goodness.
I said it last time I did them for someone - "I'm not doing that again".  Well, I mean it this time.  As much as I love my cardmaking, doing the same thing over, and over, and over again is just not fun.  And, when your printer decides half way through printing, that it just doesn't like the cardstock anymore, what's a girl to do!?  I'll tell you shall I - a lot of shouting, and stamping of feet (did nothing for my blood pressure I can tell you). The printer got called a few names, not very nice ones either.
However, a trip to the local computer store, an hour or so spent with a very helpful young man finding me a new printer, and a wonderful hubby who paid for the new printer, managed to sort out the problem.
It's all up and running, and all remaining invites are printed (yeah!).  They just need putting together now.

After all the messing about over the last couple of days, I thought I deserved a break,  to do something different.  Here's the result ......

It's Week 106 over at Less is More and it's the dreaded One Layer Card (OLC) Challenge, and this week's theme is .....
Our design has to be one layer only, have some sort of reference to music in there, and of course the all important 'White Space'.  I think I've managed it.

For my card this week I used the Penny Black stamp 'Ode to Joy' (1657K).  Hubby is a keyboard player so I had to have this one in my collection.  The sentiment is from Butterfly Kisses, another of my well-used stamps.
The little mice have been coloured using watercolour pencils - couldn't use my copics this week with it being one layer, they might have shown through.  I haven't used pencils for a while, it made a nice change.

soooo cute!
I also made time today to finish Stephen's card for tomorrow (Valentine's).  I went with the idea of using my twinchie, what do you think?  Stephen look away now, unless it is Valentine's Day when you're reading this, in which case you've already seen it, so it's fine

The inky strip was done with a bit of masking and some Barn Door Distress Ink, and my new Tim Holtz 'Simple Sayings' stamps have had their first outing today.  I'm loving this new set, there's words on there for every occasion.  It's going to be one of those sets that I go to time and time again - well worth the money.
I even did the inside too .....
awww ........
Well, it's back to the invites tomorrow, and I have to find time to play (oops ..... I mean work with) Sam Poole's latest set of stamps - Art Houses.  They're not available on the website yet, but you can get a sneaky peek at them on Sam's Blog.

I've also posted on the Indigo Blu DT Blog today.  It's Quick and Easy card designs using their latest stamp sets ......
a sneaky peek
Thanks for popping by today.  I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day tomorrow and enjoy the rest of your week.

Cheerio for now.



  1. Your one layer card and your Valentine card are both really beautiful, love them both. What a shame about the printer, that happened to me to a few years back and I had to do the same .....I said I would not do it again either...... Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow too. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Just love the musical mice... I think I have this stamp too... why didn't I think to use it?
    Super job!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  3. Love your mices to pieces! Fab card for LIM. Super job on the valentines too. x

  4. I love the image-so cute!It's a great card.

  5. Love that musical mice stamp with that hint of colour!!

  6. You've got a lot going on, Linda! I love seeing your sweet face in your new profile picture! And your musical mice card and your Valentine for Stephen are perfection. I hope you had a wonderful day together! And I'm glad you got the dreadful printer troubles sorted and the invites further along in the process!

  7. Hi Linda, your less is more card is gorgeous as really do have a great style....hope Stephen liked his Valentines card...and that you had a lovely evening. Missed seeing you on Thursday but looking forward to next month when we can get together...hugs. X

  8. Hi Linda, gorgeous card for LIM, and I'm sure Stephen loved the Valentine card.
    Avril xx


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