
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Time for a quick coffee break ......

Morning everyone,

Just a quickie today.  We have to get Lauren and Alex packed and to the airport as they're flying home this afternoon.  They're back over again in March, so not long until we see them.  I've just about time to tidy up before they're back here.  He may only be small, but boy can he make a mess! The lounge looks as though a tornado has hit.

I've just got time for a quick coffee break and to share this weeks Less is More entry.  I managed some 'speed crafting' yesterday while trouble was out of the way.

We're on Week 108 and the theme is .....

Now this is something that I never think of doing on my cards, until I see it on someone elses.  This is what I came up with ......
You may have to click on the picture to get a better look at my paper piercing, but it's actually the 'steam' coming off the coffee cups.  Not very original I know, but I was struggling to come up with something.
The cups, and the sentiment are both from a pretty little Stampin Up set called 'Tea Shoppe', and I've used Memento inks to stamp with. 

Sorry it's a bit short and sweet, lots to do today.  Once Lauren and Alex are on their way home, I have to get the spare room ready again.  We have another visitor coming this weekend - my friend Sue (who I haven't seen in ages) is making her first trip to the island.  Another weekend of sightseeing coming up.  Let's hope the weather holds.  It's been glorious the last few days, a bit on the chilly side though. We got a bit blown about at Peel Castle over the weekend.

The cold didn't seem to stop Alex though, he wanted to look at everything ..... including the armour that was on show .....
You could actually try it all on, but he decided against it in the end.

Before my next visitor arrives I still have a few projects that need doing before the end of Feb. - no pressure eh!  My Timmie tag being the most important one (I know, I can't believe I haven't done it yet either!)  Hopefully I'll be back with it tomorrow, if I can get it finished, otherwise I'll be doing a bit of late night crafting and blogging - it's March on Friday (eeek!!).

Thanks for stopping by today.  Enjoy your Wednesday.

Don't forget it's my day to post over on the Indigo Blu DT Blog  This week, I've got a couple of my samples from the show at the weekend, to show you if you fancy a quick look later this afternoon.  I'll see you over there later.

Cheerio for now


  1. Your paper piercing is so clever on this card Linda, would never have thought of that! Love your card.

    Hope you get your Tim tag and other projects done before your friend arrives. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Love your paper piercing - great idea to do the steam coming out of the cups!

  3. This is a great card, just enough piercing to finish off the design :)

  4. The steam looks terrific, it's a great idea..
    Thanks so much
    Less is More

  5. Super idea for the paper piercing. Love those cups. x

  6. Brilliant card Linda and such a clever use of Paper Piecing...I do love to hear about your adventures over in the IOM ....have a great time with Sue ....I hope she is bringing you some crafty goodies....hugs. X

  7. Love the paper piercing as steam, perfectly subtle and the colours you used look fab together :0)
    Enjoy your busy weekend and hope the weathers good for you.
    Jenny x

  8. linda was a fab card... love the little steam you have created
    Thanks for joining us this week
    "Less Is More"

  9. Great idea to make the piercing the steam.

  10. Fab card Linda, love the pics of Alex
    Avril xx

  11. First, before I forget, thanks for the cloud tute in the last post! That's so helpful! Your tea cup card with the pierced steam is so sweet, Linda. Love it! Thanks, too, for the adorable pictures of your grandson!!

    Thanks for coming by to visit me. I've been busy on other things this week and am finally getting a chance to do more WOYWWing. I hope you enjoy the rest of the week! Darnell #34


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