
Friday 1 February 2013

White Rabbits! White Rabbits! White Rabbits!

Hello everyone, and a Happy February to you all!

Did you all say it this morning (White rabbits, that is) - good!  We're all going to be lucky now (yeah right!)

Another busy day ahead, so I'd better make this quick.  Stephen's home this evening (need to tidy the place up a bit) and I've still got crafty stuff to do.

I've just about made it in time for this weeks Less is More challenge.

It's Week 104 - Sketch week

Jen, from the DT has come up with Sketch #8

CAS, and the rules this week are very strict .........  the card must stay this way up, ie the horizontal band, in the lower part of the card, and take up no more than a third of the height of the cardbase .... hmmmm

This is my version ......

Another colour that I don't use a lot of - green.  I just thought this looked bright and cheery
The words stamp is from a Stampin Up! set called Happiest Birthday Wishes and I've used one of the latest In-Color ink pads - Gumball Green.  Some pretty co-ordinating striped ribbon from my stash finshes it all off.  This was so quick and simple, but I like how it's turned out.  I may just go back and do a batch all in different colours - when I have a minute!

Well, that's it! I said it would be quick.  Friday's my regular day to post on the Creative Studios DT Blog and I haven't come up with anything yet this week (eek!)  It's time I put on the old thinking cap and hope and pray that Mr Mojo is ready to play nice (please let my luck start now!)

Thanks for popping by today.  Have a lovely weekend and I'll see you again next week.

Cheerio for now



  1. Yes, I did say white rabbits although I did have to be's an age thing! Your CAS card is beautiful. Not a green person either but I do like the freshness of that green, tis lovely! Hope you get everything done today. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Your take on the LIM challenge is spectacular, Linda! I'm glad you made it in! I had a friend from 40 years ago, who I've lost touch with, and she and her sister would always call each other first thing on the first of a new month and say that. Remind me what the heck the origin of the saying is ... or, I could just make it up, ha!!

  3. Hi Linda, I only remembered to say White Rabbits at 10-30 , does that still count? Your card is stunning and fits the sketch to perfection. Hope you have had a productive afternoon . Enjoy your weekend ....x

  4. My husband remembered White Rabbits!
    Your card is superb! The colour is wonderful too.
    Thanks so much for joining us.
    Less is More

  5. I love this.It's a gorgeous LIM card,and so elegant.Thanks for your comment on my blog hop and good luck in the draw!

  6. Love the row of birthday and super bright colours. x


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