
Friday 29 March 2013

Happy Easter!

Hi everyone,
I don't do Easter cards but I just thought I'd share my Easter ATC that I made for the new monthly swap over on Julie's Blog
This little Penny Black bunny is soooo cute - I couldn't resist putting the pom pom on his tail (sweet!)

ATC's were something else I didn't do up until recently, but now I've started, they're so much fun.  Easter was the theme for March, next month it's Sunshine and Showers.  Hmmmm ......... wonder if that can be snow showers.  Most of the hills and countryside over here still looks like something off a Christmas card. 
In fact, when we took Lauren and Alex to the airport on Wednesday morning it was snowing.  There was just a bit coming down in Douglas but by the time we got  to Ronaldsway airport we were in a blizzard. 
Driving home from the airport
It didn't last long though - IOM weather = changeable to say the least.

Wednesday afternoon I should have been in my craft room but, I got a phone call from hubby at work saying an email had been sent round, asking for volunteers to go up on the mountains and help the farmers look for their sheep lost in the snow.  Stephen said he was going and did I want to go with him.  So I dug out my thermals and my hiking boots, layered up and off I went.
I didn't know quite what to expect, but I was shocked by the amount of snow that was actually up there. The mountain road has been closed for a couple of weeks and now I know why.  Some of the drifts were over 6 foot deep where we were, and it was soooo cold.  It actually snowed again while we were up there.
270 sheep had been found the day before.  The farmers have certainly got their work cut out, it was a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.  Everywhere was just white .....

Hubby wrapped up warm

........ and the snow was so deep.
Some of the road had been cleared part way, so that tractors could get down there but most of the time you couldn't see any of it. 
As you can see, eventually the skies did clear and the sun came out.  It was beautiful up there, but still flippin' cold!
There must have been about 70-80 people up there looking but unfortunately we didn't find any sheep or lambs alive. It's so sad to think that they're still out there. 
It was a case of just covering ground, poking the snow with a long stick, and if you felt any holes or ridges, then dig to see if anything was down there.   Some people did have a bit more luck than us.  About 20 sheep were spotted over the other side of the mountian which was good news.
There's still a lot out there though, it's going to take days to find them all.  And it's going to be a while before the moutain road is open again.  It's only about 8 weeks before the TT, when bikes are going down there at speeds of over 120 mph.  Lets hope the weather changes soon.

Thanks for popping by today.  Sorry there hasn't been much craft on here lately - I'm rubbish I know!  Hopefully this weekend will see a change to that - my Tim Tag really needs doing! 

I'll be posting on the Creative Studios DT Blog later today, and tomorrow (if I get a wriggle on) I'll be posting on the Craftwork Cards DT Blog with some of the new Dolly Mixtures range.  Busy day ahead.

Have a lovely Easter - not too many chocolate eggs though!

Cheerio for now.



  1. Hi Linda, I saw the farmers and volunteers on the news, it is heartbreaking to know that so many sheep and lambs have been lost all over the country. How wonderful of you and hubby to help out, just wish you had a better result.

    Love your ATC, it is just the cutest thing I have seen for ages - love it! Hope you have a lovely Easter weekend and that the weather picks up - for all of us. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Hi Linda, first of all I think it is a wonderful thing that you did to go and help look for the sheep and lambs....the whole thing is so sad......
    I hope the weather improves.....and that you have a great Easter....hugs, Jo. X

  3. Love your ATC, the bunny is super cute! Its awful when sheep and lambs go missing and may not be found, it is heart breaking. xx


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