
Tuesday 12 March 2013

I'm off again!

Relax ......and ...... breathe .......


From a beautiful Isle of Man.  It's a bit chilly out there but the sun is shining.  A little different from the weekend ....... Saturday it rained nearly all day, and this is what I woke up to on Sunday .....
Yep! Snow!  Only on the mountains though.  I know parts of the UK are covered again.  If that's you - stay safe and warm.  I'm flying across there tomorrow, brrrrr....... I've packed my thermals along with the craft stuff. 
I've got 4 days of sheer bliss coming up, so I don't really care about the weather (just as long as I get there!)  Susan is meeting me at the airport and then we're off!  Starting with 2 days on the Indigo Blu Secret Retreat.  Then it's off to Harrogate on Saturday with the girls, for the GNPE.  And rounding it all off on Sunday is a Cricut workshop with the fabulous Mel Heaton.  Relaxing long weekend ........ I don't think so. 

This week's been a bit of a rush too.  I've been busy getting  DT samples finished before I go away.  I just about managed it by the end of last night.  They were all boxed up and put in the post this morning, now it's just me I have to worry about.  Ironing is next on the list - oh joy!, then packing tomorrow morning. 
My craft stuff is already packed, so the old craft room is now CLOSED.  There's not that much room left in my suitcase for clothes, but hey, I'll manage.

Here's a little look at some of the things that I put in the hands of the Royal Mail this morning.  I had my Craftwork Cards hat on yesterday and I made a few samples using some of their lovely new products. Hopefully these will arrive in time for the show at the weekend ..........
One of the pretty new heart wreaths - love the nice bright colours.......

A couple of quick and easy cards made using the new Fusion papers and the Kraft Flowers...........

And one of the brand new tunnel cards ......
 .......... soooo cute!

All the products can be found on the Craftwork Cards Website.  Or, why not pop along to the GNPE this weekend and treat yourself to some new stash there.  Go on, you deserve it! 
Tickets will be available to purchase on the door, and if you see me grabbing a bargain (or two, or three, or four .......!) you will say Hi! won't you.

Is that the ironing pile I hear calling - no it's just the washing machine telling me the next lots done.  Oh well, the sooner I make a start, the sooner it will all be finished!  And, I would like to spend a little bit of time with hubby tonight, before I leave on my latest trip.

As I'll be busy getting all inky and things on Friday and I haven't had any time to schedule a post, you won't find me on the Creative Studios DT Blog this week (sigh!).  Sam has kindly given me the day off!
I will be posting as usual on the Indigo Blu DT Blog tomorrow though.   Shhhh ........ don't tell anyone but here's a sneaky peek .........
This is my favourite stamp from the new Mr Darcy stamp set and the inspiration for this little project came from the March issue of Craft Stamper Magazine.  Pop over to the DT Blog tomorrow and all will be revealed.

Thanks for popping by today.  It'll be next week before I see you again.  Don't worry I'll fill you in on all the details and I'll try and remember to take some pictures.

Have a lovely weekend won't you.  I going to enjoy mine (big smile!)

Cheerio for now



  1. Hi Linda, I honestly don't know how you keep up with everything you have to do! Your cards are all amazing and love the sneak peek one...... if I see you at GNPE I will definitely tap you on the shoulder........have a safe trip. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Hi Linda, You really have a hectic life!
    I'm going to GNP on Saturday, it would be lovely to say 'hello'
    If you would like to meet up - let me know.
    Avril xx

  3. Hi Linda Thanks for your lovely comment, wow you have been busy and it sounds like you will be even busier than this, all beautiful creations.
    Chris x

  4. Sounds like you are a very busy bunny there Linda. Hope you enjoyed your Indigo Blu retreat (not jealous, much!) and that Harrogate was a success. And even though you had snow there I really envy that view of yours. Loving that floral wreath too. Here's hoping the Royal Mail took extra special care of your creations. Hugs, Jenny x

  5. Wow that floral wretath is awesome, love your cards too. Hope you had a fab time


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