
Thursday 7 March 2013

Time to catch up .....

Forgive me Bloggers for I have sinned .........

It's been 7 days since my last blog post.  Where has the time gone?  I'll tell you where it's gone .........
we had another visitor at the weekend.  My good friend Sue was over from the UK, and boy was she determined to have a good time!
She arrived first thing Friday morning, and we didn't stop until she flew back to the UK on Monday morning! We had a fabulous weekend.  Any of you who are friends on Facebook will have already seen what we've been up to, but to cut a rather long story short, I think she had a ball!  She's already planning a return trip - soon!

I won't go into too much detail (we'd be here for the rest of the week).  Let's just say we couldn't have crammned more into the weekend if we tried. There was lots of laughing, chatting and catching up (obviously!).  We hit the shops and did the old purses some damage (well Sue did anyway!).
Lots of eating, and drinking went on.  And a shed load of sightseeing - we went all round the island on Saturday.  We started from Douglas and went up to Laxey, to see the Great Laxey Wheel.  Had coffee and a rather large piece of cake, in the lovely tea rooms there.
picture from
Then off up to Ramsey and called in my favourite shop.  Lovely hubby bought us both a small gift in there - bless him!  Then it was off up to the Point of Ayre, the northern tip of the island.
From there it was down to Peel, and a walk around the castle.
picture from Wiki
The seal even popped his head up and said 'hello', which was nice.  Then it was on to Niarbyl, one of hubby's favourite spots.  It is rather beautiful down there, very peaceful.
Then it was down to the Sound, and the Calf of Man, the southern tip of the island.
picture from Wiki
Eveytime we've been in the past it's been blowing a gale but this weekend it was lovely.  We walked out to the cliff edge, and just watched the sea, beautiful!
We ended up back in Douglas and finished the day off with fish and chips from the best chip shop on the island (in my opinion anyway, and now Sue's too)  Port Jack - perfect!

Sunday we spent walking in Groudle Glen, (thought we'd better after the fish and chips)
and finished off with a mahoosive chinese banquet (more food!).  We spent a lovely evening meeting up with some more friends of Sue's who also live on the island (small world!).

But, back to normal now.  Busy, busy, busy!  I'm playing catchup for the rest of this week, I've got the usual 'to do' list, (as long as my arm), and I'm going away for a few days next week so most of it has to be done before I go - eeeek!
I did manage to squeeze in a Mother's day card for Stephen's mum.  Well I couldn't not really after the beautiful bouquet she had delivered for my birthday on Tuesday
Which by the way, hubby FORGOT!!!!  But that's another story.  He did eventually remember, before lunchtime.  Don't worry, he's going to pay for this one!  He took me for a lovely meal on Tuesday evening but that's no where near made up for his brief memory loss.  I feel a small(ish!) shopping trip at the weekend maybe (haha).

Anyway, enough of all that, on to the craft.  Here's the Mother's Day card ....... It's a variation of one I did for the Indigo Blu show on Create and Craft 

Isn't the stamp just beautiful, Elizabeth Bennet- it's one of my favourites from the latest Indigo Blu releases.
She's been stamped onto vellum using brown Stazon and I've added a touch of colour on the back.  I've also done a touch of parchment craft (don't laugh!) on the flowers.
Not quite sure whether it's right or not but I think it's turned out ok.
I've finished off with lots of flowers and vintage seam binding ......
And I also decorated the inside ......
The origianl card I did is on the Indigo Blu DT blog with full details.  If you've not already seen it, you can find it here
She's so pretty, I almost don't want to give her away.  She's going to a good home though!

Well I'd better get back to the old craft room, things to do.  I'm working on some samples for Kay to take to the NEC later in the month.  If you're lucky enough to be going to the craft show you may just see them on the stand.  If you fancy a look before then though, pop over to the Indigo Blu DT Blog, I posted a couple on there yesterday.

Thanks for popping by today.  Hopefully I'll be back again before the end of the weekend.
Have a great day.

Cheerio for now


1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, I do love it when you have visitors as I get to see more and more of the beautiful island you call home! I so want to see that water wheel.

    Your card is really, really beautiful, that is such a lovely stamp. I have used the poppy one this week and had more comments than ever, it is the stamp really, not me. Will go and have a look at your DT projects. Hugs, Anne x


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