
Tuesday 23 April 2013

Hello Tuesday!

Morning everyone,

Happy St. George's Day! 
How's your week going?  Well, I managed to get the old craft room tidy over the weekend - sort of.
My desks are done, and at least I can sit down now!  I'm not showing you the other side of the room though!!  It was a long job, but most thing have found their way back to where they came from.  
We've had a bit of a sort out, again!  Re-arranged a few things (I'll never be able to find anything now), but, some of the new stash is still in a box outside in the hallway ........
I WILL make time this week to play with my new stuff. 

I'm still busy with DT projects.  It's my day to post over on the Craftwork Cards Blog if you fancy a read.
Oops..... is that a little sneaky peek at my project?!  I've been having a go at one of the techniques that Hels Sheridan does so well - paper blocking.  Pop over and see what you think.  Be kind though, it's my first attempt!

There's also a Give Away on the Blog every day this week.  We're showcasing the Craftwork Cards new Bunting Shapes.  Each day one of the DT will be sharing their bunting, all you have to do is leave a comment on the post and become a follower of the blog, if you're not already.  The next day the winner will be chosen at random and they'll receive a Bunting Kit so that they can create their own special bunting.

Well, it's back to the old craft room for me today, Indigo Blu hat on this time. Check out the DT Blog tomorrow to see what I've been up too.

Have a lovely day, and thanks for popping by.

Cheerio for now.



  1. Hi Linda, Looks nice and tidy, know what you mean about not remembering where you put things when you 'organise' I've found allsorts since redoing 'my' room!
    Avril xx

  2. How can we give you marks out of 10 if you don't show us the other side... lol... what I can see does look lovely and tidy. I love the JOFY stamps in your box, I have stamp envy... Off to see your make at CC. Hugs, Anne x

  3. Hi Linda, what a lovely tidy desk......I wonder how long it will stay that way.....looking forward o seeing what you create today....will look at the IndigoBlu blog tomorrow....hugs. X


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