
Wednesday 10 April 2013

I've got an award!


Yes it's me! I'm still here.  I've been a little quiet on the old blog recently - sorry.  Nothing major, I've just been really busy juggling the usual things.  It's a short week for me again too.  I'm off to the UK on Friday for another roadtrip with the girls - well train this time.  We're off down to London to Ally Pally - whoo hoo!!!

As you can imagine I'm trying to get everything done before I go - DT stuff and all the household chores. I'm getting there - slowly!! 

My week got off to a great start. On Monday I received my second Liebster Award.  I'd like to thank the lovely Kim Robertson (Kim's Blog), one of my Craftwork Cards DT pals for nominating me. It was a lovely surprise, and thank you Kim, for you lovely comments.  I shall display the badge with pride.
This award is designed for blogs that have less than 200 followers.  Once the award has been accepted, the idea is to pay it forward to 5 other blogs that you like to read and follow, and hopefully encourage others to visit, read and follow them too.

To accept the award you have to ......
Thank the person who gave it to you, and link back to their blog
Post the award on your blog
Give the award to 5 other Bloggers, with less than 200 followers and leave a comment on their blogs telling them they've been nominated.

Here goes ........  my 5 nominations are ...

1. Redanne
This lady is fab-u-lous!!! and soooo talented.  Her blog is always full of inspriation and great projects.  She's been one of my followers since I started my blog, and there's always a lovely comment from her on every post.  Thanks for your support Anne xx

2. Avril
Again, Avril has been with me from the start I think.  We actually met recently at the GNPE in Harrogate and she's lovely.  Her style is very vintage and I love it!!

3. Jo Rice
One of my fellow Indigo Blu Belles.  We met last year, briefly, at the Indigo Blu Retreat then again a few months later.  It was like we'd know each other for years.  She's such a nice lady, and so talented.

4. Jane
Jane's another fabulous lady who's blog I've followed for a while.  She's a member of the DT for the Clarity Blog Challenge and her work is simply stunning.

5.  Elaine
I came across Elaine through the Less is More Blog challenge, and Show Us your Twinchie.  Another fabulous blog, full of inspiration and great ideas.

There you go.  Congratulations ladies!  If you choose to accept the award, follow the instructions, grab the badge from the top of this post and display it on your blog.  Don't forget to link back here to show who was inspired by your work and awarded you the Liebster. xx

I finally got my birthday present off  hubby too .........
isn't is pretty!!!  I'm not actually blogging on it yet,  I need to figure out how to use it first!  Stephen also bought me something he thought might help .....  (me and technology - not good!)
Thanks love!!  Look at that beautiful big pussy cat on the front - I've been up close and personal with one similar to that a few years ago, but that's another story!!

Well I suppose I'd better get back to the old craft room.  Samples still to finish and all that.  No rest for the wicked!

Before I go, a quick reminder it's my day on the Indigo Blu DT Blog.  There's some sneaky peeks of what I've been up to this week, and details of Kay's next shows on Create & Craft.

Enjoy the rest of your week.  Thanks for popping by today.

 Cheerio for now



  1. Hi Linda, you really do deserve the award for your lovely blog, you are such a talented lady. Thank you so much for nominating me, that was so kind of you! I have been nominated a couple of times for the award already, so if you know someone else who does not yet have it then please will you consider them? I am not going to be blogging for a week or so (family and house things are taking over my life for a bit) but did not want to leave this unanswered. Take care lovely lady and thank you for thinking of me. Big hugs, Anne x

  2. Forgot to say - fabulous pressie!!! A x

  3. Hi Linda, I've been absent from Blogland AND crafting for a few weeks, but slowly getting back to 'normal'.
    Thanks for the award, and the lovely write-up.
    Enjoy AP - I've only inked 1 stamp up from GNP!
    Just had a catch up - love the flower card/twinchie. Lucky you with the pressie.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  4. Hi Linda, what a lovely surprise...Thank you so much...and you do say such lovely things...I love to read your blog posts and I find your work truly inspirational...have a great weekend and looking forward to seei g your samples on Sunday....Big Hugs. X


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