
Tuesday 28 May 2013

Update from Italia and a little sneaky peek ...

Good morning, and a Happy Tuesday everyone,

Did you all have a good Bank holiday weekend?  From what I can gather the weather's been nice over in the UK -  I don't feel as guilty now, that we've had glorious blue skies, lovely warm sunshine and a cooling breeze coming off the lake.

I did have a little accident over the weekend though - I fell coming back into the villa - NO! I hadn't had too much red wine (not this time  haha!).
We'd been out for the evening, and we'd decided to walk to the local restaurant.  As our villa is on the banks of the lake, it's quite a steep walk up to the main road.  There are steps so it's not too bad, just takes a while.  Anyhow, we had our meal overlooking the lake, at a place called La Meridiana - a friendly little place, where the food is delicious.
Instead of getting a cab back we thought we'd walk it again - at least it was all downhill this time.  It was a lovely stroll down to the lake (I was so careful on the stone steps), then we took the walkway all the way back to our villetta.  We walked into the reception area then .....  bam!  I slipped on the last step.  Down I went.  Stephen didn't quite know what had happened, but he came and helped me up.  My right ankle swelled like a balloon ........ it could only happen to me, I'm such a klutz!!!
Nothing broken though, and no other damage done, so I'm fine.   A day resting in the sun, by the lake has done me a world of good.  All the fussing over me was nice too!!!

A quick reminder that it's my turn to post on the Craftwork Cards Blog today.  See ..... I am still working while I'm over here.  It's not all Chianti and Tiramisu you know!
Here's a little sneaky peek of what's on there .......

Lots of lace and bows ....... using the new Tea Dance Collection - very pretty!  Feel free to pop over and take a proper look, it's always nice to see you over there.

Back in the Isle of Man, the 2013 TT Races are getting underway this week, with Practice Week in full swing by now (that's if the weather's holding out I suppose). 
John McGuinness and Bruce Anstey.  Start of the first practice session
The island was getting prepared before we left.  Fans were already starting to arrive, and the competitors too.  Christopher got quite excited when John McGuinness came to the bar for a pint last week.
It was one of the reasons for hubby and I getting away these two weeks, we're not really motorbike fans.  So we've left poor old Christopher at home to fend for himself.  I made sure there was food in the fridge, plenty of beer and left him some spare cash so he should be fine.

Well, that's me from me.   I think we may try a trip up to Bellagio today.  Maybe take a boat trip out onto the lake.

Thanks for popping by.  Enjoy the rest of your day.




  1. Oh dear! Poor you.... you are in the right place though, it started raining yesterday afternoon and it has not stopped since - and it's cold again. Enjoy the heat and sun but do be careful, no more accidents please -- off to see your creation. Hugs, Anne x

  2. You are definitely in the right place Linda, you would be resting up in the wind and rain here! Your boxes are beautiful, I really like this paper set. Enjoy your holiday (safely lol) xx

  3. Oh Linda...What are you like? I do hope that your ankle gets better soon and that you enjoy the rest of your holiday....( you will have plenty to do when you get back!!!!) hugs to both of you...Jo. X X


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