
Thursday 13 June 2013

Find me on Bloglovin ........

Morning everyone,

Yes I'm finally back from my travels - yeah!  Actually I arrived home on Monday but, I've been so busy that this is the first chance I've had to get on here (no change there then!)
We had a fabulous holiday, can't wait to go back again.  I hope I didn't bore you all too much with my pictures and stuff.  Thanks to those of you that did share in our Italian adventure, it was nice to read your comments everyday.  

I finished my trip off at the weekend with a couple of days in the UK, catching up with family and friends, and of course, I went to see the one and only Mr Rod Stewart in concert at the Manchester MEN Arena, on Sunday night.

What a great night it was, and thanks to Susan for getting us such fabulous seats.  We were about 10 rows from the front, just off to the side, level with the end of the stage.  See him ....... I could almost smell his aftershave we were that close!

It was the perfect end to an absolutely fabulous 2 weeks.

Ah well, back to all the crafty stuff now ..........
Things have been a little busy in the old craft room since the doors opened again.  While I've been away on holiday, my fellow Indigo Blu DT buddies have been working their little socks off so I'm now trying my best to catch up.
Why all the rush? .......... I'm glad you asked.  There's something very exciting happening next week on Create and Craft.  I can't say too much, but all will be revealed very shortly (if you tune in to C&C regularly you may have already had a hint or two).
Starting on the 18th June they're launching ......................... No! Sorry, I can't tell you,m my lips are sealed.   What I can say though is that the lovely Kay Halliwell-Sutton will be there, which usually means lots of new Indigo Blu goodies.  Not only that, she's on air for four days ...... yes,  FOUR DAYS!!!!!  Trust me, you won't want to miss any of it.  Put the date in your diary and keep a look out for show times. 
Here's a little tease of what I was up to yesterday ........ keep it to yourself though won't you!

Any ideas?

Something to do with the 'C' word ............ maybe.

I'm going to shut up now before I get into trouble.  Tune in Ideal World 11pm on Tuesday 18th June, you're in for a treat!

While I've been away, I've read a couple of posts about changes going on with Google, and how Google Reader is closing on 1st July ???!??   Now I'm not entirely sure how, or even if, this will affect my blog in any way, or my followers, or those blogs that I follow regularly.  I'm not that clever when it comes to computers, things have to be pretty basic for me, so,  I'm just going to have to wait and see, and sort things out if and when they happen.

I don't know about you but, I currently get notifications of blog updates from my Reading List when I log on to Blogger, some people seem to think that this will all disappear come 1st July, some say that it won't.  I also have a couple that come via email too, but I don't think these will be affected. 
So, in preparation for 1st July, and, to hopefully make sure that I don't miss any of the posts on your blogs, I've joined Bloglovin (you can find my blog on there too).  I believe that this is the link ....... see this is me just doing what the website tells me ....... I've 'claimed' my blog on Bloglovin this morning and it said I had to post this text in a blog post ...... so here it is

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Hopefully I won't lose any of the blogs that I currently follow, and I hope you won't lose me!
You can find the Bloglovin button in my sidebar.

Oh well, I'd better get back in the old craft room.  There's still a lot to do before next week.

It's nice to be home!

Thanks for popping by, enjoy the rest of your day.

Cheerio for now



  1. Hi Linda, so glad that you enjoyed your holiday and Rod Stewart. If you look at this link, it may give you and your followers more info. Go right to the bottom of the post as Alison has put an update at the bottom.

    I did what it said on Bloglovin and transferred all the people I follow over in a jiffy. Still have to 'claim' my blog though. Hope it helps. Hugs, Anne x

    PS will watch out for Kay!

  2. Hi Linda, what a fabulous end to your holiday...
    Your projects look interesting and as always you are teasing us...not sure about the blog thing ...I am so blog challenged....will have to go and read up on it...Happy Crafting....Jo. X


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