
Friday 7 June 2013

Venice ......... part 2


Ah well, it's our last full day on the banks of Lake Como (big sigh!).  After a storm last night, we had thunder, lightening, the lot,  the sun is shining again so we're going to make the most of it.
I've started the packing and the tidying up of the villa, finished the book that I was reading (not sure if it was worth it, but I had to know what happened at the end), so I think we're going to have one last trip out somewhere today.

But first I wanted to share what we got up to on our day in Venice.

After the lovely evening we had listening to the music in St Marks Square ........

........ we got up Wednesday morning and wandered back in there.  No rain clouds in sight, just beautiful blue skies and fluffy white clouds

We'd missed breakfast at the hotel (why is it always so early???!!!) so we decided we'd sit at one of the many cafes and enjoy a scrumptious continental breakfast al fresco ....... (now that, I could get used to)
It was rather delicious, I won't say how much it cost ........ although dinner in some places would have been cheaper!!!!  We're worth it though!

After 'brunch' we went for a stroll around the beautiful streets of Venice.  I just love this place, everywhere is so magical and romantic .......

We walked down to the Rialto Bridge .......

and watched the world go by for a while ..........

I have this thing about Venetian masks, I know some people say they're a bit scary but I love them, I'd have them on every wall if I could.

The shops are absolutely full of them and they're all stunning.  How I would choose one I've no idea

The mask I have at home didn't actually come from Venice, mine was bought in the next best place though - the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas.  It made it all the way home in one piece too.
One of these days I do intend to buy one of these stunning pieces from Venice.  I'm hoping that one year we'll make it to the Carnival - wouldn't that be fab!

We wandered along to the famous Harry's Bar .....

and had Bellini cocktails (hic! hair of the dog and all that) .....

Then sadly, it was time to go back to the hotel, collect our bags and head back to Lake Como ........

It had been a fabulous two days, busy, but so worth it.  Hopefully it won't be eleven years before we're back again.

We stopped off at Lake Garda as planned and had dinner, before getting on the motorway for the drive back.

Garda is so different to Como, it's huge! and so still ....... 

We stopped in a place called Sirmione, down at the bottom of the lake, on a little peninsula.  It's only a tiny place but apparently one of the busiest, and I can see why.

It's tiny streets were filled with shops and restaurants .......

and they've even got a castle ......

Well that's just about it from Italy.  We've had a lovely trip, crammed just about as much as we could into it.  I think we're all rested and relaxed ready to get back to normal next week.

First though we have a couple of days in the UK to look forward to - the holiday's not quite over.  We arrive back in Luton on Saturday then we're spending the weekend with family and friends. 
I'm off to see Rod Stewart in Manchester on Sunday night, I can't wait. 

And of course I'll be catching up with all my craft buddies at some point too.  Here's to yet another great weekend.

Thanks for popping by today, and thank you to all those of you that have shared in my Italian adventure.  Hope you've enjoyed reading about my trip.  Don't forget it's not quite over yet though.  Watch this space!

Also why not pop over to the Creative Studios DT Blog this afternoon.  It's my day to post and I have a couple of quick and easy designs for you today using one of the lovely Sam Poole's latest stamp sets. Here's a little sneaky peek of one of them ......

Have a great day, and enjoy the weekend.

L'amore da lago di como



  1. I thoroughly enjoyed your holiday pictures - a lot! Brought back some wonderful memories - love the masks. Hope you enjoy Rod Stewart, wish I was going to that one! Safe journey home. Hugs, Anne x

  2. Thanks for sharing yr holiday pics. I've been hankering for a trip to Italy for a while and you've made me more determined now with your beautiful photos. Would love to visit Rome too. On a separate note, great cards! I'd forgotten about that simple mask technique, love it! Suz xx


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