
Thursday 31 October 2013

Trick or Treat ............

Hi everyone,

Before I do anything else, a big 'hello and welcome' to my latest follower.  It's nice to have you along, and thanks for taking the time to read my crafty ramblings.

Phew!  This post has taken a while to do ........ Good old Blogger  is joining in the Halloween fun I think and playing a few tricks.  Just when I thought I'd try and catch up with everything too!!
Anyway ....... Happy Halloween to you all ....... or should I say 'Happy Hop Tu Naa' as it's called on the island. 
The pumpkin's been carved and is in place, and the sweets have survived and are ready for the Trick or Treaters (only because I hid them!)

Not only that, my Tim tag is done too, for October's 12 Tags of 2013 ....... perfect timing as this month is a Halloween theme.  Anyone would think I'd planned it, but for those who know me better will know that I'm always on the last minute!! 
Here's Tim's fabulous inspiration .....

And here's my version .........

Same, but slightly different.  As usual I haven't had time to think too much about it, and luckily I had most of things I needed on the supplies list.  I did only have one of the shades I needed from the new Distress Glitters, but I used one of Tim's techniques from last year and coloured some of the Clear Rock Candy glitter using Alcohol inks .....

Clear Rock Candy Glitter coloured with Sunshine Yellow Alcohol ink
I followed the instructions on Tim's Blog and coloured the tag using the Distress Paints.  It did take a couple of attempts before I got one I was happy with, but I'm sure the others will come in useful for something.

I then stamped a few cobwebs onto the tag, using Black Archival ink and one of the Halloween stamps from Chocolate Baroque

The new Distress Glitters are fabulous, and Seedless Preserves is one of my favourites (I am a bit of a purple girl)  Seeing as I didn't have any of the other shades that Tim had used, I improvised  and made my own ......... black for the owl

and the yellow for the moon

I didn't have the Mirrored Stars, so I added a few clear gemstones for a touch of sparkle.  All finished, just in the nick of time - again!!

I hope you've all managed to stay safe and warm during the bad weather that's been hitting the UK.  It's not been that wild over here, we've had a few wet and windy days but nothing major. 
Last Sunday afternoon the other half decided to go 'storm chasing'.  The sea is pretty exciting to watch when the weather's bad, so off we went.  We drove down to Castletown and Scarlett Point, as the winds were coming in from the south.  You can see the sea was a little bit on the bumpy side .......... wouldn't want to be on the ferry!

The waves weren't half crashing against the sea wall - the little one loved it surprisingly.

Scarlett Point
Because of the bad weather we've also had a rig sheltering in Douglas Bay for the best part of a week.

I thought they'd struck oil out there but that's not the case.  It's apparently a support rig for the workers constructing the Walney Wind Farm in the Irish Sea ..... no oil then!

Ah well, thanks for popping by today.   I must dash and actually upload my tag to Tim's blog, now that it's finished.

Have a Spooktacular Halloween (mwahhahaha!!)  ....... I think I can hear the first lot of Trick or Treater's about to knock on the door.   It's about to get scary ......... whooooo hoo!

Cheerio for now.



  1. You've managed a fab blog page despite blogger problems. I can't even write a post from my blog. I hope it soon loses it's bugs.
    Lynn :(

  2. Great post Linda - love your tag - spooky x the background is fab and those cobwebs perfect xoxo
    The sea Piccys are a treat too!

  3. Love your version of Tim's tag Linda. Jenny x

  4. That was a fabulous post, Linda! You did such a great job on your Tim tag and you made it totally your own! And the photo tour of the storm-tossed sea was awesome! Hugs, Darnell


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