
Wednesday 20 November 2013

Just catching up .....

Hello there,

Surprise!! Sorry I haven't been around much lately, not had much to blog really.  The chores of day to day life have been getting in the way a little too much.
I thought it was time I checked in though and let you all know that I am still here.  Busy as usual, although I must admit today hasn't been very productive. The only thing I've made today is a cake!  I'm sorry to say that my heart's not in it at all lately - craft that is.  I feel as though I'm just going through the motions, doing what I have to, and getting things done.  I'm not having FUN though. Not like me at all.  And Christmas is just around the corner - eeek!  Oh well, I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things soon.

So what have I been up to well ........ not a lot!  It's have been pretty quiet around here since things got back to normal (whatever that is!) after the Poker event.

We had our first lot of snow on the island on Tuesday.  Not much fell on the lower parts, we had a dusting down in Douglas,  but the mountains were covered .....

Here's a picture taken from one of the many webcams across the island, this one's at the Bungalow on the TT course .......

The mountain road was actually closed for a while because a few cars did get stuck up there - oops!  I think it's all cleared today, but Winter is definitely on its way ..... brrrr!!

We did have a lovely weekend last week though, Sunday was a beautiful day, so in the afternoon we had a ride out to Laxey beach with the little man

Grandad was showing him how to skim stones on the sea - not sure who was enjoying it the most!

I have been busy in the old craft room too ...... DT stuff mainly, but I did find time the other day to start on a little festive project .....

A friend and I took over the kitchen table and made a start on a fabulous project by Gail Milburn, to make an Advent Calendar, from the latest edition of Craft Stamper Magazine.

This is what it should look like when its finished ....

How cute is that!!!  I hadn't even opened my copy of the magazine when I got an email from Catherine to say did I fancy getting together to make page 6.  Well, seeing as how I already had the die, and lots of Christmas papers that needed using it would have been rude not to wouldn't it.
It's no-where near finished yet, but it will be ready for the 1st, don't you worry.

It's been a busy time on the DT front ...... what with magazine stuff, and then Kay was due back on our screens on Saturday.  Unfortunately the show's been changed, which is good in a way, no need to rush those last few samples.  It's been moved to Saturday 7th December, not sure of the times yet, I'll keep you posted.
Don't tell anyone ....... but here's a few sneaky peeks to tease you with what's coming up .......


Well I think that brings you up to date ....... told you there wasn't much to tell. 
Hopefully the end of the month will be a little better than the beginning. 

I will be back tomorrow, it's the 21st of the month so that means there'll be a new challenge theme over at IndigoBlu.  I just need to put the finishing touches to my inspiration piece then we're away.

Thanks for popping by today.  
It's just me and the little guy tonight ...... Lauren is working, her partner Alex is on his way back from the UK and the other half is out on a work's do, alright for some eh!   So it's bath, Pj's and then bed for the little one.  Then I think it's time for a nice glass of red and catch up with Strictly for me.  Enjoy the rest of your evening, and I'll see you again tomorrow.

Cheerio for now



  1. Hi Linda, wondered what you had been up to. Know the feeling of not enjoying it - while doing wedding stuff, there was no time for fun crafting only DT 'work' and it felt like work!
    Hope you enjoy making page 6, it should put the fun back into crafting.
    Avril xx

  2. Nice to see you back Linda, I feel much the same as you but for different reasons, not much fun when it is just DT stuff..... I do like the look of the village and that face in the sneak peaks looks interesting too. Take care. Hugs, Anne x


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