
Friday 22 November 2013

That Friday feeling .....

Morning everyone,

It's the weekend - whoo hoo!!  Happy Friday to you all ....... what's everyone up to today?  Me, I'm hoping to spend the day in the old craft room.  I've got DT stuff to finish off and get in the post, my Tim Tag to do, my weekly post on the Creative Studios DT Blog (check it out later) and I must try and get around to finishing the advent calendar. So a bit of a full day for me. 
I also need to get into town at some point, and pick up a dress that I ordered last week - I'm trying to find something to wear for all the Christmas parties that are coming up, and it's not going well.  The other half's no help either.  All he said was  "What's wrong with what you wore last year?"   Oh yeah ....... As if that's going to happen!
I don't like clothes shopping at the best of times!  And looking for evening wear .....well!  Dress shop or Craft shop ....... hmmmm ...... I know where I'd rather be! 

Here's a little sneak peek of what's on the Creative Studios DT blog today ........

........ a little bit festive perhaps. 
It's a nice quick and easy card using some non-Christmas, and Christmas stamps.  I tell you, the closer it gets to the festive season, the 'quicker' my cards are going to have to be - I still haven't started making any.   Maybe next week.

We've a busy weekend ahead, Stephen and Lauren are off to the UK tomorrow - just a flying visit, but they've a lot to fit in.  I'm staying on the island with the little man, so it's going to be fun, fun, fun with trains, jigsaws, and sticker books for me.  And I'm sure we'll have to watch The Polar Express (again!!) at some point.  It's Alex's favourite movie at the moment.

The Christmas lights switched on in Douglas last night - very festive

and we also have the Continental Market in town this weekend so Sunday it'll be mulled wine and stollen - yum!!  I may even make a start on the Christmas shopping, who knows!

Thanks for popping by today, have a lovely weekend.  If today goes well in the old craft room you may see a bit more of me next week.

Cheerio for now


1 comment:

  1. Have only started my Christmas cards today, managed six clean and simple ones - well it's a start I guess. Off to check out your sneak peek. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Anne x


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