
Friday 29 November 2013

That Friday feeling .......

Hi there,

What a day ....... the weather's dreadful here.  It's cold, very wet, and extremely windy.  I do hope it's better where you are.  Mind you it's perfect crafting weather, so ..... I've shut myself in the old craft room and I'm not coming out until everything's crossed off November's list!

My weekly post for Creative Studios is done ...... here's a little sneaky peek

It's live on the DT Blog if you'd like to see it in full.

The advent calendar is all finished - whoo hoo!!  I'll show you that when it's all in place on the mantle piece on Sunday - it does look pretty (even if I do say so myself!).  I'm really pleased with it - thank you Craft Stamper.

I've prepped a few Christmas card designs (get me eh!)  Well, I thought I'd better make a start, they need to go in the post soon.

And what's this .......

All ready to start my Tim Tag - I'm leaving it a little late again I know.   But ........ before I can get on with that I need to make a card for a wedding we're going to tomorrow. 
It's all go in here today I can tell you, and to top all that .... I'm on babysitting duty this evening. Oh well, better get back to it. 

Have a lovely weekend.  It's going to get all festive around here ...... the tree's going up on Sunday, that's if I'm not too delicate after the wedding do.

Thanks for popping by, enjoy the rest of your Friday.

Cheerio for now


1 comment:

  1. Evening Linda, good to see you having a full craft day and getting those jobs ticked off the list....your card looks fab and I love the touch with the white Frantage....enjoy your wedding tomorrow.....and I look forward to seeing Timmy's Tag when it is finished...hugs...Jo. X


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