
Thursday 19 December 2013

On the 19th day of December .......

3 French Hens  (hmmmm...... not quite the same ring to it!)

Happy Thursday!

A bit of an early start today ....... lots to do.  The last of my Christmas cards have been posted, gifts too, now I just have blog posts to schedule, a little craft project to finish, the mountain of ironing to conquer and the packing to do ....... all before 3 this afternoon - no problem!!!   Once all that's done I can board a plane to the UK and relax, well at least for a couple of days anyway.

I've managed to squeeze in a card for this week's LIM challenge........ I have the perfect stamp set for this week's theme so it would of been a shame not to .......  

It's One Layer Week (always a favourite), and the theme is ......

The 12 Days of Christmas

Here's mine ...... (sorry about the picture quality ...... I was taking this at stupid o'clock so the lighting wasn't great.  I needed to write the card and get it in the post first thing - final Christmas card done!!)

I've used the Penny Black clear stamp set - 12 Days of Christmas.  This is a really fun set of stamps and can be used all year round.  The individual images are not necessarily festive, it's only when you use the words, which are from the classic Christmas song, and the images together that makes them perfect for this time of year.

I stamped the little french guys and coloured them using Distress Markers.  I had to add a touch of glitter too ....

I scored a few lines across the bottom of the card, for a bit more interest and added a little Christmas sentiment, and ta da!!  last Christmas card of 2013 DONE!! (I hope ........ I don't think I've forgotten anyone but you never know)

Oh well, I'd better get a move on.  Thanks for popping by.  I am hoping to blog over the weekend but it all depends how the Christmas party goes tomorrow I suppose ....... I may be feeling a little delicate if a certain person has their way (hic!!)

Enjoy your Thursday.  If you're still busy with the festive plans I hope they're going well.  If you're one of those that have everything done and are sat with your feet up ....... then I'm soooo jealous.  I have it all to do when I get back on Sunday evening (hmmmmm ....... Gift Vouchers and smellies from the airport Duty Free are looking like a good option).

Cheerio for now



  1. Ha! I am sat with my feet up but not because I have everything done...... but I am not stressing either! Your card is fabulous, I just love that wonderful PB stamp, which is going to go on my wish list. Safe journeys. Festive hugs, Anne x

  2. FAB CARD! Don't you just love that Penny Black set?

    Hope you enjoy your Christmas party!

    Seasons Greetings



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