
Monday 9 December 2013

On the 9th day of December ..........

........ not too sure where the weekend went ....... but here comes my 300th post!!!

Happy Monday evening,

Have you all had a great weekend?  I'm not too sure where ours went ..... but it was a good one (I think!). 

The cheeky little red from Friday evening got the weekend off to a great start, even if the Christmas shopping had to be delayed for a while (ooops! or should I say Hic!)  It all still got done .... eventually, and we had a great evening out on Saturday

The works Christmas Do .... always a great excuse to get really dressed up ..... bow tie and tux for Stephen and evening wear for me.  It was a case of eat, drink and be merry until the early hours.  The champagne was flowing, the food was excellent, but that goes without saying ....... the top chef on the island (in my opinion) was doing the cooking and the menu was deeee-licious, and the music and dancing went on all evening.  I think I can safely say everyone had a ball!  Thank you Poker Stars ..... and a Merry Christmas.

So you can see why the weekend went by so quickly ..... even more Christmas shopping done on Sunday and I also made time to do some more Christmas cards.   Here's another version of the Christmas tree from last week ..... you know how I said it may look good done in green well .......

What do you think?  It's exactly the same design as the gold one, same colour of flake too (Winter Dawn) the only thing that's changed is the glitter is a shade of green.  Although it doesn't look that green in the photo.  It's actually a mix of green and a pale gold so the colour is quite subtle, it's still very sparkly though.

At least the family cards are done - phew!! Just need to sit down and write them all now.

I've been busy sorting out more magazine stuff today, for early next year, so my Christmas cards have had to wait.  Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow with a couple more designs for you.

Thanks for popping by this evening, I'm off to catch up with Strictly and the X Factor before someone lets it slip whose been booted off.

Cherrio for now


1 comment:

  1. Love the colour,still making my cards.I also loved all your samples as usual on the Indigo Blu show.Lovely.
    Angela x


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