Well that took a while, but I finally figured it out ..... (I'm hopeless with anything technical on the computer when my tech support's not around!) ..... nothing too major, just how to show the result from Mr Random.org and his number generator. It's easy enough to use on the website, but I wanted to show the actual result here on my blog. So ...... with a little help from Google, here it is.
So ..... drumroll please ..........
And the winner is ........... ta dah ......
Number 126
According to the list I have, counting right from follower number 1 (which was hubby by the way, all those months ago), Follower number 126 is .....
Amy Russell
Congratulations Amy! If you'd like to claim your Giveaway Gift please email me with your address, and I'll pop it in the post. You'll find my email address under the Contact Me button above
If it hasn't been claimed within the next 7 days, I'll do a re-draw.
Thanks again to all of you who follow my little blog ...... it wouldn't be the same without you
Cheerio until next time
Congratulations Linda on reaching 200+ and for working out the Random Number Thingy Wotsit! Congratulations to Amy too!