
Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Why can't they just leave things alone ........

OK .... what's going on with Blogger?

Where have my lists gone from down the side of my blog????!!!
They were important stuff they were.  Where to eat out on the island ... the best restaurants (in my opinion, and hubby's of course) ....... where to find good pub food.  They've just disappeared ..... all the links have gone too!!  Even the list of Blogs that I read had disappeared.  I have managed to sort that one out, the others may take a little longer.
It sounds like they've been missing for a few days .... I've only just noticed they're gone ..... shows how observant I am!   I only noticed because I went to update one of the lists and it wasn't there.  Yes, we've been eating out .... again!
I vaguely remember a pop up message appearing a while ago ..... something to do with links that would no longer be accessible or something like that.   I didn't exactly read it all to be honest .... what I did read I didn't understand (me and techno-babble ..... not good) so maybe that was a warning that this would happen.

Apparently some people are saying that Google are on to it and it will all be sorted out soon but who knows ..... I'll just have to wait and see!!!

Anyhow ...... Happy Wednesday evening (what's left of it!)

It's a little late for me I know but its the only chance I've had for a catch up.  Busy with Blog challenges all week!

As you know our little Scotland trip was cancelled due to hubby's work commitments ....... this is the nearest I got to any highlands at the weekend ....

a trip across the mountain up to Ramsey ..... we were in the clouds.
I did see Scotland .... in the distance ..... it looked like they were enjoying blue skies and sunshine .....

We did have a lovely trip up to Ramsey though ...... some of my favourite shops are up there. Delicious food from the Deli at JP's ...... (that's Jean Pierre's ...... one of the nice restaurants on the island) ....... stocked up on a few essentials in there.   Gorgeous goodies at Pure Inspiration .... had to pop in there and say Hello .... ooops! a new seasonal candle and a nice winter scarf  found their way into my bag.  Well, the scarf was a perfect match for my new jacket .... had my eye on that for a while.  Love the SeaSalt range at The Tide
So .... not a bad day ..... I did say hubby had some making up to do.  He's working on it nicely.

Sunday was a beautiful day on the island ....... so hubby and I decided to go for a stroll.
You've probably heard me mention the glens that are on the island ..... we've walked a few of them ......  Groudle, Laxey, Ballaglass, Glen Maye, Molly Quirk's.  Well hubby's always mentioning Dhoon Glen, apparently it has a large waterfall.  It's one of the steepest glens, not really suitable for children, they say, so seeing as it was just the two us we thought we'd check it out.  We were hoping that as we'd had a little rain, the waterfall would be in full flow.

We weren't disappointed ... it was lovely.  Quite rugged,  and yes ....... steep.

The stream flows all the way to the coast and the waterfall was about half way down the valley

It was hubby taking the pictures on his phone .... I didn't have my camera with me.  When we left the house in the morning we were only going to Kirk Michael to sort out something for my Christmas workshop!!

It was too nice a day to miss though .....  and my new jacket got its first outing!

It didn't take us long to find the waterfall .......

It's known as Inneen Vooar or Big Girl, and falls about 130ft in two drops ........

We followed the valley and the water all the way to the sea ...... nearly there

And this was the view ......

Apparently in the 1880's and 1890's there used to be a small passenger ship called the Manx Fairy, that used to sail daily between Douglas and Ramsey and would call at Dhoon Bay to unload passengers who would then spend the day on the beach or walking the glen, before being picked up again for the return journey.
Unfortunately this is no longer the case ..... we had to walk it back!  Back UP the meandering path and the 190 steps that are found throughout the glen.  We made it though ... just!

Oh dear ......I've just seen the time.  It's way past my bed time.

Thanks for popping by ....... it's time I said Good Night!

Cheerio until next time .....

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