
Friday, 24 April 2020

How is everyone? ........

Hello there .......

Happy Friday!  I hope you're all safe and well.
It's Week 6 of our self isolation and, we're doing OK ..... I think!
I do feel guilty though,  it's like we're here in our own little bubble, and everything's ticking along nicely, whilst the rest of the world is doing it's best to survive.
Apart from the fact I haven't seen the sea since I can't remember when,  and I really miss the kids and our family get togethers, life is pretty much the same.  Hubby's home a bit more than normal but hey!  he's no trouble.   The nice sunny weather we've been having is helping too!

The sunny days have given us clear nights but, we still didn't see the satellites passing over, or any of the meteor shower, but,  Venus has been out there every evening ......

Life on the island is starting to change ........ slowly.  A few of the restrictions have been lifted here today.  The government seems to think we have things under control ..... I just hope they're right. 
Construction workers, gardeners, window cleaners and related businesses are allowed back to work as of this morning which is good.  And there's now no restrictions on the amount of time we can spend outside.  Our borders are still well and truly closed, and we still have to social distance.  There's no gatherings of more than two people and they have to both be from the same household, but we can now travel further on the island, and spend longer outside.
That means,  and we have checked with the police, we can take the 'van' out ..... whoo hoo!!!  Remi's going to get to see some of the island at last!
There's no overnight stays anywhere obviously, but we can drive somewhere and park up for a while which is good news.  Road trip at the weekend!!

I've actually been spending some time in my craft room ..... yeah!  Lots of DT things for next month's Blog Challenges, and lots of stuff like this ....... making swatches for all my embossing powders (I must be bored!!) .......

Sorting through my stencils ....... (still not finished that one!)

And organising my much loved Fresco Finsh Paints (another work in progress!) .....

Each bottle has a colour swatch on the lid now ....... don't they look pretty!  They will do when they're all in there (if they'll fit!)

I've also been joining in with some FaceBook Live online workshops, hoping to jumpstart my mojo, and I think it's working.  I've really enjoyed just doing stuff.

Organised by Sharon from the Forget Me Not Kraft Kabin we've had JOFY using her new stamps and stencils.  Mine hadn't arrived in time for the FB Live, so I improvised ......

The new ones are here now so I'm looking forward to doing this one again.

And then last weekend it was Tracy Scott using her brand new Lace Books ...... I absolutely loved this!  It was the best Saturday afternoon I've had in a long time

Lots of paints and stencils, stamping and doodling ..... it was so much fun.

I've already signed up for the next ones ..... can't wait!

So, not quite as manic as usual in the craft room, but I am keeping busy.
Time to finish mowing the lawn now I think.

Thanks for popping by ..... enjoy the rest of your day and have a lovely weekend.
I would have been off to the Happy Stampers Festival at Port Sunlight with my crafty ladies this weekend (sigh!)  Hopefully we'll get the chance to go in October .... fingers crossed.  I might just have to do some internet craft shopping this weekend instead!

Cheerio until next time ......  stay safe, stay well, stay home!


  1. Beautiful Linda!
    And your craftroom will end up great !
    Hopefully the corona will end soon !
    X Ineke

  2. Oh how wonderful to be able to take the 'van' out, it must feel quite liberating to be able to go our relatively freely, albeit only in twos. No change here but we will be in lock down even after the general lock down is released but we are getting used to it, in fact we are even enjoying it in a strange sort of way. It has been great watching videos, learning new techniques and like you, I think it is bring my mojo back slowly too, thank goodness. I hope you have a lovely weekend of adventure! Hugs, Anne xx

  3. Happy to hear you are still staying safe and creating gorgeous projects. Love your reorganizing colorful and pretty. Enjoy your day trip in your new motor home even if you can't sleep over. It will be fun to just get out for a drive. Take care and Hugs..Nancy

  4. Sounds like things are moving quickly to get back on track on the island. That's great news. And fun to be able to take Remi out for a good spin.

    Your projects are really beautiful Linda. Happy to hear you're having fun and keeping yourself busy with on-line classes. And good for you getting more organized in your art studio. I have sat here like a bump on a log. I have all good intentions of cleaning up my studio ... organizing, downsizing, etc. But no energy. Have managed to make a few cards, but lots have gone in the garbage. My mojo has taken a holiday to get away from the bordom. :) Take care! xx


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