
Monday 6 May 2024

We're slowly heading North ..........

Happy Monday ........

I hope you're enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend if you're in the UK.  We've been lucky and had some sunshine which has been nice.   

We're still enjoying 'van-life', learning new things everyday.  We've had a couple of minor things to deal with along the way, but nothing that Google and Facebook groups couldn't cope with.  The heating decided to stop working one night but we managed to sort that out and fingers crossed it's now OK (hoping we won't need the heating that much now ..... it is May after all!)  Then last night the freezer wasn't working as it should ..... the ice cubes for the gin weren't frozen!!!!!! 
Again, it was Google and Facebook to the rescue, and we decided that we might have had a little too much in the freezer (it was pretty full!).  So, we re-jigged things, we're on chicken for dinner this evening,  the wine coolers had to come out and we sacrificed the jumbo ice cube tray just to see if our theory was correct. 
This morning everything was fine.   Freezer working as it should, we just need to use some of the stuff in there so I can get the wine coolers and ice cube tray back in there.  A G&T without ice is just not right ...... thank goodness the tonics had been in the fridge!!! 

Anyhow, since my last post we've done a few more miles.  
We went from Dorset back up to the Cotswolds and stayed on a lovely campsite in Cirencester.  Both hubby and I love this area but it was our first time here ..... won't be the last!! 
Apparently, Cirencester is known as the 'capital of the Cotswolds'.  It's a lovely market town with amazing places to eat and it's fabulous for shopping.

The campsite I think, is actually part of the Bathurst Estate,along with the Cirencester Park, just on the outskirts of the town.  It was a lovely easy walk through the park right into the centre

 We had a good old mooch around, 

Lost the other half in here .......

well, actually it was more like in here ......

Then we found a little Tapas bar for lunch ......

OMG!!!!! ..... the food was amazing ........

We really enjoyed Cirencester, but hey it's the Cotswolds, what's not to like!

From there we headed to Broadway, and guess what ..... the sun came out!!!

Finally we had blue skies and it was warm. 

We got a pitch by the railway track overlooking the countryside ......

and in the evenings we watched the sun go down ......

I do love this place .......

From there we headed north to just outside Chester for a few nights.  Spent a day in Liverpool where we met up with Lauren and Alex, and then we've spent the Bank holiday weekend relaxing and visiting family.
Tomorrow we set off on our travels again, heading for the Yorkshire Dales.  Hopefully the nice weather will stick around and we can get to explore the area a little bit.  There's also a rather nice looking farm-shop on the way that I wouldn't mind stopping off at!

Thanks for popping by ...... enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Cheerio until next time .........


  1. I love Cirencester and Broadway and we've stayed on both of those sites too. Thank goodness for Google and Facebook groups - we've found many answers on both over the years.
    Enjoy your trip to the Yorkshire Dales - we were there in a heatwave in 2018 and loved the area. We hope to go back there soon.
    Enjoy your travels.
    Kath x

  2. It's good to see that the trip is going well, Linda! Fabulous pics of the Cotswolds and I hope you have good weather from now on.
    Hope you are well,
    Carol x

  3. Just had a little catch up Linda, Enjoy your 'van life' it sounds like a great adventure.
    Avril xx


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