
Sunday 24 June 2012

It's only Sunday!

Hi everyone,
Hope you're all having a nice Sunday afternoon.
Welcome to my new followers Teresa and Lynda who have joined me this weekend, it's nice to have you along.  
I know it's only Sunday, and yes I can't quite believe it myself, but my entry for this week's Less is More challenge is already done!  Most unusual, I'm normally doing this on the last minute.   This week I have to be a little more on the ball (ooh, small football pun there!  England game tonight).  
We're off across to the UK again on Friday, only for one night this time.  I still have my ever growing list, and there are things on there that need to be done before Friday - in fact one of the things needs to go across with me (2 actually but I know I won't get both finished) so  I'd better get a wriggle on.

The reason for the trip across is I'm going on a craft workshop all day on Saturday.  I've been so looking forward to this one for ages.  It's being run by a friend of mine, the very talented Maria Simms.  Check out her blog here  There's gorgeous designs on there, loads of inspiration and ideas, and it's a good read.
Maria is a top class craft designer and demonstrator, and can be seen on Create and Craft. She designs for craft magazines and she's also the NorthWest's demonstrator for the fabulous Clarity Stamps
She's one busy lady!

Half the workshop is with Maria doing various craft techniques along with rubber stamping -  I'll share what we make with you next week, no doubt Maria's designs will be absolutely stunning.   Then she's sharing the day with a lady called Annette Lee who will be showing us how to make a wall hanging using the Cricut machine.  I can't wait!!
I've been threatening to attend one of Maria's classes for so long, but since moving to the Isle of Man I've never actually made it on one, the dates just never seemed to be right for me.  Not this time though.  My bag is packed and ready to go, I just have to get the week over now.

Back to this weeks LIM Challenge
This week we have a recipe
                'Paper Piecing'
This means that we can dig out those scraps of Designer papers that are lurking around in our stash and use them to colour in our stamped images.
This technique is so much fun, the only problem is it can take a while to decide just which papers to use as we all have so many fabulous bits lying around that we just don't want to throw away, just in case we need them!

Here's mine for this week .....
This is one of my favourite stamps for paper piecing - Clarity's corset.   You can do quite a few layers with this one but I just did two today (as it's for Less is More).
The image was stamped first onto a piece white card, along with the 'legs',  then again onto a piece of pink paper and another piece of white.  These two were then cut out and layered over the top of the original image.
The pink spotty paper is from one of my all time favourtie collections - Je t'adore by making memories, and the white is a tiny bit of Bazzill Dot.  I couldn't resist adding the black lace to the bottom - ooh la la!
The Clarity 'feminine' stamp makes great legs don't you think.
The edges were inked with Victorian Velevet DI and fancy punched borders added down the sides.

Well, it's back to the craft room.  One job done, goodness knows how many to go.  It's a hard life!!

Bye for now.  Wish the England lads loads of luck for tonight.  It's not going to be an easy game against the Italians.

See you later in the week.



  1. I love that stamp and the card I've been lucky to be on one of Maria's craft days and shes coming back to do another one soon so I cant wait..hugs xxx

  2. ...beautiful card Linda, tis a gorgeous stamp too, beautifully inked, and you sound just as busy as Maria...Mel :)

  3. Hi Linda, You have used one of my fav. stamps, its been having a rest lately as I was sure people would be sick of seeing it!
    Card looks great, love your papers.
    Thanks for your nice comments and I look forward to seeing your Tag.
    Avril xx

  4. Hi Linda

    I love your card for LIM this week - very nice. Hope you are well. Enjoy your trip at the weekend for the crafting fun!

    Catch up soon.


  5. Fabulous LIM card, love the spotty pink, looks really great.

    Kath x

  6. Hi Linda, pity that England were not more on the ball, what a shame for them. Love, love, love that Clarity stamp and your card is just beautiful. Have fun at the workshop. A x

  7. Your dotty corset looks fab on those 'legs' Linda and of course it needed black lace! So sad that England are out of the world cup but it was a great game. Enjoy your trip and the workshop on Saturday - sounds fun! Vicky x

  8. Such a fab feminine card, this is great!

  9. Love your corset Linda and overall design. x


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