
Monday 25 June 2012

WANTED - ONE MOJO (preferably before the end of the week!)

Good evening everyone,
Well I hope your Monday has gone a little better than mine.  Technology has been playing games with me again (arghhh!) - and my mojo seems to have gone walkabout.  If anyone spots it please send it back, I really need it this week!
First thing this morning was to finish off a birthday card I started yesterday (more about that some other time).  Once that was out of the way I decided it was time I started Tim's Tag for June. 12 Tags of 2012 That's when the trouble started. 

After searching through mountains of photographs and not being able to find a single black and white one, can you believe it,  I decided to see what was still on my camera that I could play about with.
There were a couple on there that I thought would be ok so off I go.  BIG problem, my printer thought they would look better in GREEN!   OK, No problem I can sort that I thought, so I tried again. No, still green.  I tried printing a colour photo.  That was green too. 
OK, lets check ink cartridges.  Half full -  hmm they should be ok, but, I thought I would put new ones in anyway.  I even cleaned the print heads and decided to re-calibrate the machine.  Try again .......  slight change, this time they were BLUE (so was the air in my craft room I can tell you).  I even tried printing pictures downloaded from the internet but no, they were blue too.  June's tag was not going well.

The afternoon got a little better.  After an short, and expensive, trip into town with my son I had another think about how to do this tag.

I suddenly remembered that I do have one black and white photograph but I really didn't want to start messing around with it.  I have a copy of it framed but the original is safely put away.  Time was running out though, I had to get my tag done today, so off I went to get the photo.
It's the only photograph I have of my Mum.  It was taken over sixty years ago and I'm not one hundred percent sure, but I think she would be in her early to mid 20's.  The picture is of her and her sister, my mum's the one on the right.  Sadly neither of them are still with us.  I lost my Mum, Dorothy, in November 2001 and then Auntie Hilda in 2008.  You can understand why I didn't want to mess with it.  Anyway I had a thought, could I possibly get the printer to COPY this.  (drumroll.......) TaDa!!  Yes I could, and here's the result ....

I must admit, this was a tough tag for me.  I had virtually none of the things Tim had used, except for the inks.  Even the stains weren't the ones I had - except Picket Fence. (need to put that right - SOON)   I went with Victorian Velvet and Bundled Sage for the background, which doesn't look too bad.   The stamp is the large script one from his Papillon set from last year.  The one I used on the photograph is from a Hero Arts clear set.   It took me a couple of attempts at colouring the picture (good job I'd done a few copies)  In the end I tinted my photo with Bundled Sage and Spun Sugar, the Victorian Velvet was a little too dark.  It's not all that clear in the photo, but in real life you can tell.
The paper is from Tim's Vintage Shabby Paper Stack.  It was already out on my workdesk thank goodness, because I hadn't even thought about which paper to use.
I had some of the trinkets but not all, I do need to stock up again. (Ooh, looks like I'm going craft shopping!)   In the end there's a right old mix of things on there.  
What do you think?  I'm quite pleased with the result, considering how much I struggled with it.  I don't know if I would do this technique again but it was nice to give it a try.  Thanks Tim!

I guess I need to buy a new printer now.  Another thing to add to my list.  See, what do I keep saying .... cross one thing off, add something else on.  I'll get to the end of it one day.

Thanks for popping by.  Don't be shy, please leave me a comment, I love to know what you all think. And if you've taken part in Tim's Tag's of 2012 this month I'll do the same over on your Blog.

Bye for now.



  1. I'm so glad you came by my place, so I could return the favor and see this stunning work of art! Truly. All the challenges you had putting it together, the history, and what it means to you, makes it even more priceless. I don't know what one does with a "Tim Tag," but I hope to God all you do with it now is frame it, just like it is, forever.

    Good luck with the printer repair/replacement!

  2. ...oh gosh Linda, printer trouble = headache..I don't have a printer, the cost of the inks alone would floor me!...still I loVe your Tag it looks super in soft pink hues and a yummy photo of your Mum & Aunt...your Tag can be placed anywhere & is a beautiful keepsake...Mel :)

  3. Hi Linda, I Love the soft and feminine take on your tag, so gorgeous in the colours you have used, really suits the photo and makes a beautiful keepsake and so personal.
    So glad you got there in the end with the printer troubles! Good improvisation on the embellishments.
    Avril xx


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