
Tuesday 17 July 2012

All the 3's

Hi there,
Hope you're well. Just a quick post from the not so sunny Isle of Man.
That's right, it's raining again.  Good job I've lots to keep me busy inside. In fact, where has this morning gone! Not that I've spent much time in my craft room - Mr Grey has a lot to answer for!!

I have got my Less is More entry to show you though.
It's ONE LAYER Week (yeah!) and the recipe is .....

That's three of anything - three colours, three stamps, three words, the number three ...... you get the idea.  We still have to keep it clean and simple, lots of white space and of course just the one layer - simples!

Here's mine ..... it's full of 3's

I used the Penny Black 'quite dandy' stamp (3 flowers)
Using a mask, I inked circles around each flower head with 3 different Distress Inks - Spun Sugar, Worn Lipstick and the new Picked Raspberry  (3 circles & 3 colours)
Added a Hero Arts sentiment (3 words)
And the final little touch was a tiny gemstone in the centre of each flower (3 gems).

I think I've managed to keep to the recipe don't you.

Must dash, hubby's off across to the UK later (sigh!)  I'd better check that he's got everything packed and ready to go.  Where would he be without me!

Thanks for looking.

Bye for now



  1. ...simply gorgeous Linda & those three shades look so yummy together...Mel :)
    I took possession of 50 Shades this very lunch time but I dare not start it till my projects are complete!

  2. Lovely card Linda, the pinks look good together.
    Avril xx

  3. Gorgeous card Linda :) Viv xx

  4. Beautiful again Linda, 3 suits you 3 suits you 3 suits you sorry!!! couldn't resist. The pinky circles in the different tones a simple yet verrry effective touch.
    I've not been doin much on my blog of late but, I do love to keep up with all the DT'ers I can and love to visit your blog when you post to look at your beautiful designs. Even when I'm snowed under I lurk [bless me] on a daily basis, which really isn't fair as I know comments are really appreciated. But lurking is so quick, like FB.
    Sorry to blah!!!, blah!!!, blah!!! on Kxoxo

  5. This looks fab!
    The pink surrounding each bloom looks great!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  6. It's a great card - love the inked circles behind the flowers!!

  7. Beautiful card, so soft & pretty. Perfect for a thinking of you card.

  8. Fabulous entry Linda, great image and plenty of 3's.

    Kath x

  9. A beautiful card. What a neat idea circling the flowers heads with colour. Very pretty

  10. Lovely card. The pink halos around each bloom on the beautiful stamp accentuate it perfectly!

  11. I have a 'thing' about dandelions (not the real ones cos they invade my flower beds!! LOL) - thought I possessed every dandelion stamp known to man - but this is one I haven't got and now have to have!
    I like this very much, and the pinky shades are gorgeous!

  12. Hi Linda, I love your card and the way you have put the pink around the flowers, they are gorgeous! You really shound enter this into the Penny Black Saturday Challenge, it has changed to monthly and there is still time (I have not done mine yet!). The challenge this time is summer colours. Thanks for your visit and lovely comments. Anne x

  13. Gorgeous LIM creation, love it :) Shirleyx

  14. WOW this is wonderful, love the dandelions and their halos of pink, super LIM card, Gay xxx

  15. Georgeous card! The circles behind the flowers are a fantastic idea! A great look!

  16. The pink circles surrounding the dandelion blooms lok fab, very pretty card.

  17. I love how you spotlighted the flower heads with the pink! Lovely!

  18. Sweet card love how you designed it!

  19. Simply beautiful Linda
    Didn't realise you lived on the Isle of Man
    Thanks very much
    "Less is More"


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