Well I've had quite a productive day - sort of! Even managed a little bit of housework too which is a bonus.
My LIM Challenge entry is done, Twinchie is done, I'll share these with you later. But before that I wanted to show you my first attemps at the Altered Art Dictionary.
I can see this becoming really addictive. There's 1061 pages in my dictionary so it should keep me going for a while.
I decided to use some of what was already out on my desk and this was my first page .......
I found some Tim Holtz stamps and decided to use the old car ..........
And last but not least .......
I did this after doing my Twinchie (you'll understand when you see it). Just a couple of paper masks and Mustard Seed and Dried Marigold DI.
I've also prepped a few more pages ready to colour in at some point. I just need to go through all my stamps now and see what else I can come up with.
If you're on Facebook, why not check out the page dedicated to this, or better still have a go yourself - you'll soon be hooked!
Off now to spend some time with Mr Grey before hubby gets home.
Bye for now
...looks like you've been having fun Linda, and 50 shades has come up on my book club draw, looks like i'll be joining the rest of the nationon Mr Grey's journey!!...Mel :)
ReplyDeleteI've just got to find a copy now!!
Linda this is going to be so kool and what a way to showcase your work. Please keep us posted with more yummy pages!