
Monday 16 July 2012

Monday again!

Good morning,
Happy Monday everyone.  A big Hello to my latest followers too - welcome aboard.  It's nice to have you with me.

Hope you all had a nice weekend.  Mine got off to a lovely start, I was ShowCASed over at Simply Less is More  - Whoo-hoo!  It's the first time and I'm so pleased.  LIM is a very popular Blog Challenge and there's always sooo many stunning entries every week, so to be chosen for the Showcase was a big thing for me.  Thank you so much Mandi and Chrissie, I really appreciate it. 
ShowCASed July 2012
Not sure what's going on in the old craft room this week, there's still quite a list to work through .... Tim's Tag still needs doing (MUST do that this week), and I have to make a special Christening card at some point.  There's Challenge entries to do, and I really need to get my teeth into the scrapbook I'm supposed to be doing for Lauren.  It's taking me ages.  It's my first scrapping attempt and I guess the fact I still haven't sorted out a new printer isn't helping - I need the photographs!
I've got new Craftwork Cards goodies to play with, plus, one of my purchases at the weekend was a dictionary.  Had to pick one up in town after searching high and low in the house. There must be one here somewhere, but could I find it.   Found one in a cut price book shop - 'pocket dictionary' it says on the front.  Someone's got BIG pockets if they can fit this in - it's the size of a paperback, and twice as thick!  Gives me lots of space though.
Whatever does she want a dictionary for?, I hear you all say ........ well ......  it's going to become an  Altered Art Dictionary ..........
Curious?  You can find out more about it here on Eileen's Crafty Zone.  I discovered it last week, along with Twinchies, when I found Eileen's blog (thanks to Maria). You need to go and have a look, there's some fab stuff on there. 
Eileen's also started a Facebook page for the Altered Art Dictionary, check it out here .   It's so much fun and the artwork on there is just brilliant. There's quite a few people doing this and  I can't wait to get started.  It's such a good idea, and it's great how you can just keep popping back to it when ever you like, there's no rush to finish it.  I might even get around to using some of those stamps I just had to have at the time, but haven't seen daylight  since the day they were bought - you all know what I'm talking about.

Oh, I also picked up the 2nd and 3rd 'Mr Grey' books while I was out and about, so maybe none of the above will get done, once I start reading these.  Ah well, it's a good job hubby's away for most of this week.  I'll be too busy to look after him as well. (LOL)

See you all again soon, with some craft hopefully

Enjoy your day



  1. Congrats to you!!!
    These links sound interesting, thanks.
    Avril xx

  2. Congratulations on being showcased, not surprised because your card was absolutely stunning! I don't know - twinchies, Craftwork Cards, scrapbooking, altering a book - I wouldn't bother with the 'grey' books, with so many other lovely things to do. Have fun, whatever your choose. A x


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