
Monday 29 October 2012

A little bit Dylusional ..........

Hi everyone,
How are you all on this Monday morning?
Did you all remember to put your clocks back at the weekend? It was nice to have that extra hour in bed, but didn't it go dark early last night?  Winter is here.

I haven't spent much time in the old craft room over the weekend.  I've been fighting off an annoying tickly cough that started last week, that's now decided to stick around and turn into a full on cold - Great!!
I've sat curled up in front of the TV for most of the weekend, I haven't felt like doing much at all.  My pumpkins are still sat on the worktop in the kitchen.  I must get those done today.
We also have our Ghost Tour planned for Wednesday night.  Hope this cold's on it's way out by then.

I did spend a couple of hours yesterday just playing around with stuff on my desk.  Got a few things started, but not much finished.  Hopefully, as the week goes on I'll have something new to share with you.

In the meantime, here's something I made the other week using my new Dylusions Ink Sprays.  If any of you are on Facebook, you may have already seen this as I did post it on there.
I messed around with the inks just to get used to them, and coloured a few pieces of card to use as backgrounds.   I had great fun spritzing and spraying, the colours are fab,  so vibrant.  I just had one little accident, I managed to spill one of the inks all over my workdesk, thankfully nothing was in the way (paper or card that is) and not too much ink was lost.  My hands however, looked like they belonged to the Incredible Hulk - GREEN wasn't the word!
I suppose it's one way to get called 'green-fingered'.  I'll never manage it the other way - I'm useless with plants!

Here's my first make using some Dylusions stamps along with one of the Gorjuss girls ..........  

Just look at those colours!
I stamped the leaves from the stamp set  Around the Edge .  Some of them have been coloured in using The Dylusions inks straight from the bottle (that's when the accident happened - I hadn't put the top back on properly - oops!).  And you can see I've also layered some to add a bit of dimension, and I've done a little bit of doodling using a white gel pen.

The words are from Quintessential Quotes, another of Dyan Reaveley's fabulous stamp sets.
The Gorjuss Girl has been stamped on a seperate piece of card, coloured using the inks again with a waterbrush, then cut out and attached with foam pads.

Her little crown was made using a Tim Holtz stamp, coloured and cut out.  I added co-ordinating gems for a bit of sparkle.

The whole thing was then mat onto some black cardstock, a couple of holes added at the top and some ribbon tied  through so that it can be hung on a wall.

I've started a couple more, another wall hanging and a large tag, once they're all finished I will share.

Whilest I was in the craft room, I also managed to do a couple more pages in my Altered Art Dictionary.  I've let this slip recently as I've been really busy with other stuff, but hopefully I can get back to altering pages more regularly again.

If you don't know what this is all about, there's a Facebook page here that you can look at (there's quite a few members now, and it's full of brilliant artwork), or you can get more details over on the lovely Eileen Godwin's blog.  She's the lady that started the FB page.

Basically, you need a dictionary, and some rubber stamps.  Choose your word, highlight it, and stamp the image - simples!  I will warn you though, it's so much fun, but it soon becomes addictive!

Well, I'm off now to carve scary faces (or not) into two pumpkins.  If I don't get them done now, Halloween will be over with!!

Enjoy your day.

Thanks for popping by.



  1. Hi Linda, do hope that your cold gets better soon. I don't have any dylusions ink sprays but after seeing your card , I need some. Love those colours. Hugs. X

  2. Hi Linda, Sorry to read you're not too well, hope you get well soon.
    I love this card, the colours are so vibrant, think they have just gone on the wish list!
    Great dictionary pages, that Rudolph is so cute!
    Take care,
    Avril xx

  3. Love your reindeer and mistletoe- faulous


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