
Friday 26 October 2012

Another week over!

Morning everyone, (or should I say afternoon),

I've had a busy old morning, it's my day to post on the Design Team Blog over at Creative Studios, and  I still had to put the finishing touches to my project this morning.  Time just ran out yesterday.   Here's a little sneaky peek of what I've done for this week ........
If you pop over to the DT Blog you'll be able to see it in full along with all the details.

Things are slowing down a little, thankfully, in the old craft room.  The 'To Do' list is getting shorter, which means I can concentrate on my Christmas cards soon.
I do have a couple of things to do before my next trip across to the UK (less than 2 weeks to go - yeah!), one of them being, to mock up some Wedding invites.  One of the girls who was bridesmaid for my brother and his wife asked if I'd make her invites etc.  She has sent me a picture of the style and colour she would like so at least I have a starting point.

One of the outstanding jobs on my list that I have managed to finish is a Memory Box for Alex.  Lauren asked me to do one of these absolutley ages ago, and finally it's done.  Sorry about the pictures, they were taken in a bit of a rush (don't look at all the stuff around the box!)
Stephen's Dad made the box, and it's just been sat in the old craft room waiting to be decorated.
I've kept it quite simple really, because it's for a boy.  The outside's been painted blue then washed over with white to give it a worn look, and the edges have been distressed a little with Stormy Sky DI.  The ABC stamps are from a set I got in the sale, ages ago, from that well known shopping channel.  They've been stamped randomly all around the box using a black Archival ink.  The little nursery rhyme stamped around the bottom is from the Indigo Blu  - Vintage Nursery Rhymes I set.
The lid has had a little bit of the Fran-tage treatment (Shabby Blue) on a couple of the corners just to add a bit of texture, make it a little 'touchy feely'.
The verse is from Clarity Stamps.  When I spotted this it brought back a few memories.
When Lauren was at primary school, she made a calendar for me with this poem and her handprints on and I thought it was so sweet (I still have it somewhere, tucked away with the rest of my keepsakes).  My idea was to do something similar in Alex's scrapbook.
The little hand prints and the sentiment are from an SU stamp set that my lovely friend, and SU Demonstrator, Sally-Jo has kindly lent to me. (Thanks Sally, I'll bring it back when I come across in November!). You also get footprints in the set too, you can see I've put these inside .......
The inside has been covered with scrapbooking papers and some co-ordinating Bazzill cardstock.

It was meant to be a surprise, but Lauren spotted it when she was over here last.  It wasn't decorated then so I hope she likes it.

Well, I think that's me done for this week.  I'm carving out pumpkins over the weekend, ready for Halloween.  It also means I'll be making pumpkin pie too - yum!

Don't forget to pop over to the Creative Studios DT Blog and have a read of my latest post.

Have a lovely weekend, and if you're off to see the new James Bond Film - enjoy!  I tried to book tickets for Saturday night here, but it's sold out.  I'll have to wait until next week for my Daniel Craig fix!

Thanks for popping by.  See you again soon.



  1. Love your box Linda, and a gorgeous pic of Alex, the poem is beautiful, haven't seen it before. I'm sure it will hold many treasures!
    Have a great weekend
    Avril xx

  2. Wow, what a fantastic box , I am sure Alex will treasure it. I love your tag , I have just popped over to take a look. Enjoy your pumpkin pie. Hugs. X

  3. Wow, what amazing projects!! Love the tag. I left some love over at your tutorial. Thanks for sharing the gorgeous details!! ~ Blessings, Tracey

  4. Lovely keepsakes box. Wish I'd done something like this as everything is just scattered around the house or has been thrown out. x


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